Anyways Steve have you checked the 5751 ?? coz in the latest Pre that Am cooking I planned to use them ! Also want to try some BEL 12AX7's!!
Yes I tried the Mullard and its by far the Best !! haven't tried Telefunken yet will try to get some ! How bout Brimar?? Am getting some of them aswell in coming weeks !!
hi soundsgreat,
where are you planning to get your tubes from? i got mine off ebay. viren did mention the bel 12ax7s are quite unreliable, this particular tube. but at the rates you'd get them for here in india i'm sure you wouldn't mind a few going bad

have heard only the ge 5751 that came stock with the phonostage but practically everybody and every forum on the net rates the telefunken smoothplates the best. rajiv pointed me in that direction he got them first. they sound quite spectacular.