Group buy- For all products


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2009
Dear All HFV Members,

I am from Chennai region...:)

With MOD permission i am starting this thread which can be mutualy benifit for HIFI enthu's, specificaly for "GROUP BUY" for Products related to HIFI alone which can be starting from cables to highend projectors.

Members can see in other forums in abroad have similar thread for Group buy mainly for Pre-ordered items which were not easily available in their country.

May be ours shall be of anything related to HIFFI products from other countries... Generaly we will go with China/ taiwan or someothers on individual choices..

Just to give an example my experience what i faced last week for an projector screen intiated me to do this.

I just thought of ordering two MOTORIZED screens from CHINA of size 110" / 120" of 16:9 video format. Each screen cost 105/135usd each which is costing in India Rs.22,500/ RS.25,000 each.

On the process of ordering I got a quote of USD472 for shipping alone by DHL which SEEMS TO BE on HIGHER SIDE which made me to think twice/ thrice. Moreover i have to pay the customs duty also if charged.....STILL IT IS WORTH... BUT WAIT FOR THE PRODUCT QUALITY TILL I RECEIVE IN MY HAND...

So thought if all the cost were SHARED BY "GROUP BUY" OF SIMILAR PRODUCT OR DIFFERENT SIZES / ITEMS- BUT FROM SINGLE SELECTED MANUFACTURER( eg.. cables/ screens/including star ceiling projector for HT Room/ rainbow projector for HT Room) IN SAME SHIPMENT we can save atlest minimum 50% and some case more.

With MOD permission my suggestion is to start fresh thread by every individual members for their intended product to be purchased with PRICE QUOTE FROM THE VENDOR INTENDED TO PURCHASE including SHIPPING EXCEPT CUSTOMS DUTY.
INTERESTED GROUP BUYERS ALONE CAN DISCUSS ON THAT THREAD and POST THEIR WILLINGNESS TO JOIN..QUOTE RECEIVED SHALL BE POSTED IN THE FORUM ITSELF for other member use and reference point for negotiation if possible on other group buy...

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Start with First "GROUP BUY" from chennai region. Interested members can join and I am closing this thread by next Wednesday. All prices including customs duty will be shared equally by all members..

Size : 16:9 / 110" - 120"- 135" ( 120/135" were same price)
Finish : Matt White / Grey / glass beaded white
Origin : CHINA
Company URL :
I have received the quote

SHIPPING BY DHL IS QUOTED USD472 + we should bear the cutoms duty if charged..

Interested Chennai region members can reply to this thread for their willingness after thorough review and calculation of the price..PLEASE NOTE WE WILL TAKE THE ITEMS WITHOUT OPENING THE BOX AND ITEMS AS IT IS RECEIVED. Further it is in god's hand. We are saving minimum Rs.10,000 in each screen if we are going by group buy.

My intention to get response from interested members before wednesday, so that items will ship out by friday and we will get by next week itself.

Please NO PM, please post in thread itself if interested.

With regards

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Good Initiative Srini:clapping:. I think members can benefit from a Group Buy.

Some questions\suggestions that come to my mind:
a) Would you need an import license to get so many Screens to India?
b) If you place order on Friday, when is it expected to reach Chennai?
c) Please open this to members outside Chennai as well. They will have to pay extra shipping from Chennai to their location. Courier companies like GATI pickup from your location for a small charge. Just as a Ballpark, my Projector Screen was shipped from Hyderabad and the shipping cost about Rs.700 by road.
d) Are all the screens you have listed from Snowwhite?
e) You may also need to think about collecting a booking amount from members who are interested.

Opert (Deepak) has some experience in getting stuff from China. During construction of his house, he got lot of stuff from China - mostly furniture. He has been busy since the last few days. I shall point him towards this thread so he can comment. Also, he needs a 135 incher for his HT.
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If you have your own channels for import then it will be good.

Else consider ,
the Vpost service Welcome to vPOST
you can combine shipping..all items collected in USA by Vpost then ship together ..minimal /no extra charges i think
Dear Santhosh,

a) Would you need an import license to get so many Screens to India?

Not required if ordered from an individual for own purpose.

b) If you place order on Friday, when is it expected to reach Chennai?

3 days max by DHL own flight.

c) Please open this to members outside Chennai as well. They will have to pay extra shipping from Chennai to their location. Courier companies like GATI pickup from your location for a small charge. Just as a Ballpark, my Projector Screen was shipped from Hyderabad and the shipping cost about Rs.700 by road

If i am personaly sending this to other state, it will be treated as selling and may be get caught when crossing the state checkpost, also GATI will not be accepting without any goods like this without any invoice or undertaking. I cannot give the invoice raised by snowwhite also, since it itself shows i have purchsed and sending to somebody. Your item was sold from HYD and they got the relevant papers to pick and deliver If memebers are interested they can come and pick up on their own... It will be good and inspection can be done in front of all members once good arrived.

Please note I have raised an indent for this item in this thread, such like you can also raise for an item and can form an group and shipping from the china/taiwan can be done directly to Banglore.. That will be easy to track.

d) Are all the screens you have listed from Snowwhite?

i have got quote only from snowwhite only, others have not responded due to volume is less and they regretted. This also i have told to SW that am taking sample and will buy in large volumes later.

e) You may also need to think about collecting a booking amount from members who are interested.

Money is secondary, priority is forming an group and also need at this time for the product for the members.

I will talk to opert some time, since i have send various enquiries for HT furnitures and other items and got offers buy typicaly the shipping cost is high.. Kindly PM his number and will be in touch with him to know the shipping method he has taken and his experience with that..


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Last time ,we were trying to do similarly with Beresford 7520 DAC,but didnt work.:sad:

Oh, thaz good ! there are some intiatives before. There may be responses if the item is interested to the members, otherwise we should go on our own, may be i may land up that way also...:lol:
Thank you for taking the initiative on this Srini! Kudos for your efforts :clapping:

Per our PM/ telephone chats, I would like a 135" (Tubular) motorized Matte White/White Video Fabric with Remote.

Please ensure that you buy insurance value for total cost (Material+Shipping+estimated customs charges) just in case the materials are damaged while shipping either from China or domestically.

As far as shipping to Bengaluru, couldn't we tell Gati it is a gift since the quantities are limited?

Thank you for taking the initiative on this Srini! Kudos for your efforts :clapping:

Per our PM/ telephone chats, I would like a 135" (Tubular) motorized Matte White/White Video Fabric with Remote.

Please ensure that you buy insurance value for total cost (Material+Shipping+estimated customs charges) just in case the materials are damaged while shipping either from China or domestically.

As far as shipping to Bengaluru, couldn't we tell Gati it is a gift since the quantities are limited?


Thanks Deepak,

Same day on your call I have the vendor and included the size with my consignment and it was made ready / Regarding the black cloth/portion drop out, i talked to the sales guy over skype chat and they will be back to offcie only by monday and can confirm what it was done..They confirmed already the items were packed and kept ready and waiting for the credit of balance amount of your part. I have requested my friend in saudi to transfer( due to our banks were closed on sat& sund) it by saturday morning itself and they will be getting it by monday credited in their account.

I am shipping by DHL and will reach in 3 days...Forwarded the mail received from vendor..

Let us know about the final cost for you and the quality of the product.

I wish I had seen this thread in time to order for one:sad: Though my need is about 3-4 months away, I would still have joined:)
Let us know about the final cost for you and the quality of the product.

I wish I had seen this thread in time to order for one:sad: Though my need is about 3-4 months away, I would still have joined:)

Let us know about the final cost for you and the quality of the product.
+ 1 to that, please let us all know the final cost possible with breakup (customs, shipping charges, insurance and any other charges)and the image quality when using this?

Still u r not late if you are informing by tommorow latest about your requirments..

Size of screen / .1.1 gain Matt white or 0.9 gain grey or high gain glass beaded/ ofcourse all are 16:9 screen.


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Did you guys get the screens? Very interested to find out the final cost and your experience with the screen. Am looking to buy a 120".

Product price + $8(approx- varies in season) Per Kg for shipping by DHL Air + Customs duty approx Rs.1000.

Please note that most of the supplier will NOT be interested in supplying one screen...Buy in lots they will be happy..

All the screens are perfect in PQ and equal to Panoview in this part( Not in construction ).. No reflection for mattwhite & Glass bead screen and surface finish is good... except poor packaging done for shipping..


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