Group Buy - Panasonic 50VT20

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Have you been to Big Bazaar and several other super markets lately? Most of them use Plasmas for displaying their video loops filled with static images, ads and text! Even my previous organization and current one use Plasmas for displaying stats etc 24x7!

Infact I know atleast one big bazaar outlet at Jayanagar Bangalore who actually dont run their ACs most of the time and I end up suffocating and sweating profusely and giving the supervisors run for their money by doing such cheap tactics of saving power!

Earlier we were told that t plasmas are suitable only for rooms with lesser light and LED/ LCDs are for brighter places. Then how this can be true ?. The super markets are places of high brightness and plasmas consume more power. then what is the incentive for them using plasma displays ?
My cousin who lives in Singapore came visiting me a couple of days back; Having heard of my usage which is from morning to evening with little breaks on working days and none on Holidays, he said that Plasma is not suited for running for long hours on daily basis and that he heard of Plasma TV panels bursting under certain adverse climatic conditions.
No offense to your cousin, but it is shocking the kind of absolute nonsense that people come up with. What is even more shocking, is how otherwise reasonably intelligent people actually believe such illogical nonsense.
No offense to your cousin, but it is shocking the kind of absolute nonsense that people come up with. What is even more shocking, is how otherwise reasonably intelligent people actually believe such illogical nonsense.

Sir, with due respect to your knowledge, how would you expect everyone to have the same opinion as you? You may be privy to much more information on functioning of Plasma TVs and thus what has been stated by someone may sound absurd to you but how a noob like me can take such an extreme view without knowing the facts as my modest education never gave me this knowledge. Please educate us is all I can say.
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Sir, with due respect to your knowledge, how would you expect everyone to have the same opinion as you? You may be privy to much more information on the subject and may be what has been stated by someone may sound absurd to you (because of information available to you) but how a noob like me can take such an extreme view without knowing the facts as my modest education never gave me this knowledge. Please educate us is all I can say.
Actually what he meant is that no consumer product can be design such that during its OPERATING ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS, no matter how longer you run them (no manufacturer suggests you to "cool off" your TV or it will get damage, forget about it bursting, etc.). So the gist is no matter how much heat plasmas generate or if it operates at 45 degree room temperature, it should not cause any injury to itself or others if we keep it running.

One important thing to be very particular about is that we should NEVER cover the vents of a product and let it cook from inside. I just can't bear the vision of people fancying their product such that they cover them with fancy clothing and "toppings"! These devices are supposed to be SPARED of such "beautification" and may "explode" out of the utter shock of such treatment!
Iam surprised to see this thread still active. :rolleyes:
Still waiting for 65k? :o
Its very much in the horizon now that we are getting it for 68k with 2x glasses. Dude, why is it so difficult for you to believe?
we should NEVER cover the vents of a product and let it cook from inside. I just can't bear the vision of people fancying their product such that they cover them with fancy clothing and "toppings"! These devices are supposed to be SPARED of such "beautification" and may "explode" out of the utter shock of such treatment!

I would consider it as lack of common sense than lack of knowledge.

I am looking for a 50VT20 or 50GT30...Couple of questions

1. I saw a demo of GT30 and 2d-3d conversion was really bad vs LG5700. They did not have any 3d Video to display. :-(

2. Why VT20 when GT30 ,people have shared can be obtained at 4-5K+ difference.

Please guide me!

I think you mean the ST30 & not GT30... I m still to see a post regarding an GT30 50"... Anyway the best quote for the ST30 we have heard is 84K although most have not been able to get a quote below 90-95K whereas we have the VT20 which we can get for 72-75K & possibly for 65-68K coz of this thread... Now that is a diff of 12-20K in price with the only feature the ST30 has over the VT20 is 2d-3d conversion(which as u stated sucks)... Personally I think 2d-3d conversion sucks in all the available TVs... Best to watch 3D content in 3D for best exp...

PS@ prankey bhai I too might be interested in a VT20 if I can get it in Mumbai for 65-68k :)... Thanks for ur continuing efforts on securing a deal for all us folks & it does not matter weather ur succeed in reaching the magic figure of 65k or not we all do appreciate ur effort :clapping::clapping::clapping:...

I am looking for a 50VT20 or 50GT30...Couple of questions

1. I saw a demo of GT30 and 2d-3d conversion was really bad vs LG5700. They did not have any 3d Video to display. :-(

2. Why VT20 when GT30 ,people have shared can be obtained at 4-5K+ difference.

Please guide me!

That is the reason I am not willing to close the deal for VT20 for more than 65k! I haven't come across GT30, however for 3D Samsung's plasma's are best.

What is the best price you got for GT30?
Sir, with due respect to your knowledge, how would you expect everyone to have the same opinion as you? You may be privy to much more information on functioning of Plasma TVs and thus what has been stated by someone may sound absurd to you but how a noob like me can take such an extreme view without knowing the facts as my modest education never gave me this knowledge. Please educate us is all I can say.
Firstly, what your cousin stated, was not an opinion. Rather, he stated something totally absurd and presented it as fact.
Secondly, this has nothing to do with my being privy to any special or secret information on the functioning of Plasma TVs. Rather, as stated by you and also explained quite well by 'prankey' in the posts above, this is a matter of plain and simple "common sense". Something that any reasonably intelligent and educated person is expected to have. Did you really believe, that the governments of countries all over the world, would allow a product to be sold, that actually blows up with normal usage?
Once again, I really meant no offense to anyone, but I do find it quite shocking, the amount of 'FUD' and utter nonsense, that people keep perpetuating about Plasma TVs.
Did you really believe, that the governments of countries all over the world, would allow a product to be sold, that actually blows up with normal usage?

I hope you have seen laptops and cell phones blow up with normal usage. %age may be very low, but they do once in a while.
I hope you have seen laptops and cell phones blow up with normal usage. %age may be very low, but they do once in a while.
Yes, but those particular models are recalled at the very least. Also, more importantly, even then, no one goes around making statements that laptops and cellphones in general should not be used/bought, because they blow up. The key to understand is the "once in a while" in your post. "Once in a while" is something that is an exception and is possible for anything and everything, not just Plasma TVs.
Firstly, what your cousin stated, was not an opinion. Rather, he stated something totally absurd and presented it as fact.
Secondly, this has nothing to do with my being privy to any special or secret information on the functioning of Plasma TVs. Rather, as stated by you and also explained quite well by 'prankey' in the posts above, this is a matter of plain and simple "common sense". Something that any reasonably intelligent and educated person is expected to have. Did you really believe, that the governments of countries all over the world, would allow a product to be sold, that actually blows up with normal usage?

Yes, but those particular models are recalled at the very least. Also, more importantly, even then, no one goes around making statements that laptops and cellphones in general should not be used/bought, because they blow up. The key to understand is the "once in a while" in your post. "Once in a while" is something that is an exception and is possible for anything and everything, not just Plasma TVs.
Hi Sanjay,

Seems I've ruffled some feathers inadvertently. So please chill.:)

I didn't want to reply and possibly escalate but couldn't resist but reply to some parts of your post.

Firstly, that poor chap never stated something as a fact He was quoting of the bursting of TV as 'hearsay' and I've also faithfully stated so explicitly.:)

Secondly, I've also quoted him saying 'under adverse climatic conditions' only and not on regular basis. So I hope that can also be considered as 'Once in a while'

Thirdly, I never quoted you saying that you are aware of some secret information on the functioning of Plasma TVs. I only said you might have some more knowledge on functioning of Plasma TVs.

Fourthly, I belong to a school of thought of neither rejecting anything out rightly nor believing fully, of things which I'm not fully sure of. So you need to excuse me if I take a view that bursting of Plasma TVs (if any) would not come under the ambit of 'Common sense'

Having heard of my usage which is from morning to evening with little breaks on working days and none on Holidays, he said that Plasma is not suited for running for long hours on daily basis and that he heard of Plasma TV panels bursting under certain adverse climatic conditions.

You may be privy to much more information on functioning of Plasma TVs and thus what has been stated by someone may sound absurd to you but how a noob like me can take such an extreme view without knowing the facts as my modest education never gave me this knowledge.

So let's settle the issue and move on.:)
Yes, but those particular models are recalled at the very least. Also, more importantly, even then, no one goes around making statements that laptops and cellphones in general should not be used/bought, because they blow up. The key to understand is the "once in a while" in your post. "Once in a while" is something that is an exception and is possible for anything and everything, not just Plasma TVs.

Absolutely! Even I am delaying my purchase and sticking with my LCD till it start getting some glitch. However I would most certainly buy a Plasma unless I get a nice OLED waiting to be grabbed!

Let me know if folks from Bangalore and around are interested in getting the TV @ 68k with 1x glass as its confirmed today that is the best offer they can give to us for about 6 to 7 display units. I still have reservation buying it for beyond 65k even with 2x glasses and sealed unit!

Also, some bad news - regarding the 3D glasses - Panasonic is out of stock and the best price for the medium sized rechargeable ones is 6.9k!
Hi Prankey,

I'm for it, I'd be obliged if you could get me a quote. Hope it would be a sealed piece. Do let me know on whose name the DD needs to be drawn.

Thank you very much for your efforts.


Let me know if folks from Bangalore and around are interested in getting the TV @ 68k with 1x glass as its confirmed today that is the best offer they can give to us for about 6 to 7 display units. I still have reservation buying it for beyond 65k even with 2x glasses and sealed unit!
Hi Prankey,

I'm for it, I'd be obliged if you could get me a quote. Hope it would be a sealed piece. Do let me know on whose name the DD needs to be drawn.

Thank you very much for your efforts.

Unfortunately they are all display units and that is the reason I want them to come down to 65k. If you are interested, I will talk to the Croma AM to ship it to you. Please PM your contact details including address.
Unfortunately they are all display units and that is the reason I want them to come down to 65k. If you are interested, I will talk to the Croma AM to ship it to you. Please PM your contact details including address.

I'll be interested only if it is a sealed piece. Hope you understand:)
I'll be interested only if it is a sealed piece. Hope you understand:)

I know. Even I am not interested in Display Unit especially at this price. Unfortunately they are claiming that they do not have any sealed ones available and may not be able to source them as well :(
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