Has anyone imported expensive speakers to India from Abroad recently?

What 10 watt SET amp do you own John ?

Apart from the rethm, i doubt if you can listen to very loud levels with either the EP or the FUN 17 with a 10 watt SET.

The Fun is an extremely amplifier friendly speaker and goes down to approximately into the 30s if you have the room size and an amp which can do it justice. Due to the horn design, the bass is extremely accurate, detailed and fast. This is one of the reasons why I chose them over normal box speakers which gives the impression of louder bass which is actually an anomaly of typical box designs that are available in these price points. You can check this out by playing the piano or standing bass on these speakers. With the Funs and EPs you can differentiate the various bass notes clearly as they travel up and down the frequency spectrum.

With rock and heavy metal, these attributes are mostly glossed over and you are presented with a wall of sound.

You will have to check them out with the 10 watt set amp to see if it works for you.


The 10W SET amp is going to be an custom built amp. My boss gave me the details and parts list and I am planning to get it built with some one in India. It is EL34 based amp. BTW, I am very much interested in checking out the AP Pre and Power combo as well. I see that you are using AP gear to drive your Fun 17s.

How do you rate the Fun 20? Can you pls PM me the price range for Fun 17 and Fun 20?

Hey Desire,

Even I would like to know where did you audition D600 with Pioneer. I know in Cinebels D600 is paired with Marantz SR5006.

There is no doubt that D600 is the best setup for the movies. Even D500 I heard was very good. However D500 is for smaller rooms.

I am doing lots of math now to get the D600 with LX56 :). How ever I might not take the D600 SUB. I might go in for Velodyne EQ Max15. D600 Sub iteself is around 1.2L and Velodyne is 60K.


For the sub you can try a DIY route. I would recommend a horn design as you are planning for a dedicated HT room.
bumping up an old thread --->

any recent experiences importing expensive speakers/amp (4-5k gbp); how did the customs go and any 'reliable' customs clearance agents

John: did you end up importing or picked up locally?
I've been thinking of doing the same, but online, I can only find the figure of 60% duty, and they would tend to call such speakers as "professional".

Someone please tell me I'm wrong.
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!