Headphone from US

dunno about wireless headphones but,the Audio Technica AD700 suggestion was purely based on budget considerations.honestly,for the price they are going,i dont think it has too much competition.the M50's are a little pricier.now as for whats better,i would just say,the AD700's supposedly have a great soundstage due to being open,hence the bass impact is less.there,but less.the M50's are closed,so smaller soundstage,but great bass impact,particularly excellent sub-bass, and very neutral.for someone who listens to jazz etc,the AD700,full stop.just dont expect to listen to trance and wonder why they dont sound as impactful :indifferent14:.i listen to everything,indian classical to a lot of EDM/PSY(yeah,very all encompassing tastes,:rolleyes:),so the closed M50's made sense.cheers
@Spiro, I paid 112$ which will be approx Rs5152 taking 46Rs to 1$ as conversion rate. Will get to know the exact cost once my credit card bills arrives..
@Spiro, I paid 112$ which will be approx Rs5152 taking 46Rs to 1$ as conversion rate. Will get to know the exact cost once my credit card bills arrives..

Thanks,but delivery in US?Shipping to India may give 6k as final.
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