Help in choosing a 5.1 setup

Low freq Audio cant be recorded properly in videos.. its only for demo.. come to my home and enjoy the real dolby.

Thanks for the invite...
Will try to visit your place on my next visit...

You saying that low freq audio can't be recorded properly, actually is the first thing which you said, which made sense to me.

I am sure you are enjoying your setup and so you should.....

I wish you everlasting enjoyment with your earth shaking bass and true Dolby sound.....and kindly allow me to spoil my family and house value....

Low freq Audio cant be recorded properly in videos.. its only for demo.. come to my home and enjoy the real dolby.
Sony has low frequency to record ?
Every Croma has Sony home theatres..HTIB to be precise.
My 18" subwoofer costs more than a complete Sony home theatre..
That is what which produces real bass..
And for speakers.. size matters.. Small plastic boxes are meant for casual TV watching.. not for a proper HT experience..
I invite you to my room to experience my system and then compare it with yours..
I wish I could help you understand.
This is fun,this is the first time i am hearing someone comparing sony and svs subwoofers.svs is lightyears ahead in terms of performance, Sony is chik chik boom boom harsh clipping sound is the new "dolby " hahaha
Sony has low frequency to record ?
Every Croma has Sony home theatres..HTIB to be precise.
My 18" subwoofer costs more than a complete Sony home theatre..
That is what which produces real bass..
And for speakers.. size matters.. Small plastic boxes are meant for casual TV watching.. not for a proper HT experience..
I invite you to my room to experience my system and then compare it with yours..
I wish I could help you understand.
size doesnt matter .. will you say the same thing with tvs? all hiding their crt's now due to its ugliness of big size.. a good designer will make 18inch woofer smaller.. uneducated and incompetant will make it big.
size doesnt matter .. will you say the same thing with tvs? all hiding their crt's now due to its ugliness of big size.. a good designer will make 18inch woofer smaller.. uneducated and incompetant will make it big.
Screen size matters..
Educated people spell incompetent not incompetant..
Okay.. you will teach me how to design a subwoofer?
Sony subwoofers are hardly more than 8 inches... And that too a cheap driver being used in it.
To be very clear- You don't have enough knowledge to qualify to debate with me!! You will never be able to win. At least in this birth.
Everybody please calm down. Leave this as it is. Let's Move On! (At least till I replenish bowl of Popcorn!)

Just remember "To each his own", Don't berate other's choices!

We all may not agree with the particular member and he has been a bit harsh but, All others also didn't help with provoking him by mocking him!
Everybody please calm down. Leave this as it is. Let's Move On! (At least till I replenish bowl of Popcorn!)

Just remember "To each his own", Don't berate other's choices!

We all may not agree with the particular member and he has been a bit harsh but, All others also didn't help with provoking him by mocking him!
Look at the way he is posting..
He deserves proper response.. otherwise he will continue doing this
I am not sure why @Audi is still in this forum,that too long six years, i hardly find anyone discussing about sony products (tv section maybe yes) and it makes me sad that in this 6 years he didn't have time to learn about better speaker brands out there. He is still stuck in early 90's i guess.
Its not about money... its about worst designers .. incompetant copycat sound technicians.. ppl end up with headeche raising sound and spoil their families.. that most elders have avoided watching movies in theatres.. and beat the kids who buy ugly speakers and spoil house value.
this is how dolby should be with clean shaking bass
I can feel the vibration & my house is shaking while watching the video
Damn! I missed it when this thread was active! @Audi seems to have left the forum since then as his profile is no longer active. :( I hope nobody reported or blocked him.
I just couldn't help from laughing to myself by seeing this thread. But I do admire Audi's perseverance. I thought of watching something on Netflix for the weekend but this is way better to be true & that to for free. Gosh, this thread has gone in some totally whacked out direction.
Nubin, you made a big mistake by buying SVS & Denon. If you would have bought Sony 9200 you would have saved a lot of money & more importantly no more headaches.

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