Help me replicate $5000 full range speaker.


New Member
Nov 9, 2024

I'm a complete noob. No experience in electronics. I have no clue why I'm drawn to this speaker. This one costs $5000. Searched Indian market. Every option is extremely pricey.

I'm leaning towards building this speaker. I found that this speaker uses 10inch driver and 8ohm impedance and 98db sensitivity. I don't have a clue what those numbers mean.

Until now I have been avid IEM lover. Never used speakers. Can someone help me with what type of parts do I need to build this build? And what type of amplifier do I need to run them?
Welcome !
Most of us have very different methods on how we got into this hobby. yours is interesting :D
the above is a Single driver speaker hose diameter is 10inch,
it offers a nominal impedance of 8 Ohms to a speaker which just shows it can be driven by most amplifiers but other than that nothing this load changes as per the music signal hence does not meant more than that
It has a sensitivity ( related to efficiency) of 98 db which just means that if 1 W is fed to it and the decibel measured 1 m away it will read 98dB

but technical specs mean nothing in a driver as the same 3 specs may be found in drivers from 100USD to 10K USD and each will sound very different.

Speaker building is an art as well and not just a science and there are so mnay dimensions which DIYers can help you with.

Perhaps start simple with a Open Baffle Design

Chatgpt is your friend and as it all the questions :D
The driver seems to be a seas exotic 8 inch.
That will be 2k usd per pair. You can probably build a the cabinet locally and save some money.
If your budget is a lot less, and you just need something broadly similar, get a Philips hiq driver . You'll need to hunt a but but you should be able to get one for a few k inr instead of few k usd. If not you can try one of the generic clones. They were used in the rethm bhava. An equally high end speaker
@Mukilan_ Take your time to learn the basics of speaker related terminology and then think about DIY. DIY is expensive if you are a total noob. You must pick up one of these skills to save on cost:

Building a crossover network (electronics)
Building speaker boxes or baffles (carpentry)

I would suggest that you experience a proper stereo setup (used ones) for a few months before actually thinking about DIY. DIY is for brave hearts.

Every ordinary stereo setup would still be a wow compared to IEM world as the 3D imaging felt outside your ear canals will be a significantly different experience.

But, if you are confident about your DIY abilities, then here are my suggestions without any budgets mentioned:
If you have space to place speakers away from the wall, then check the forum on Ahuja open baffles. Diy audio has Manzanita which is a super simple project to execute.

Philips HIQ speakers can be done in both open baffles as well as simple bass reflex (ported speakers).

Please feel free to post what amplifier you have as of now and what is your overall budget?
He seems to be someone who's drawn to the speaker based on the looks alone, let's not scare him away with enclosure design. At any rate the design he likes is apparently sealed so that simplifies things. All he needs is to get the dimensions of the box, a good carpenter and a full range driver that fits his budget
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