Help need among these brand combinations regarding HT setup

Dec 25, 2012
Please suggest the best combo among the following and from the each as there are some brands, I have not heard of which you can enlighten me. Price is not a barrier But please select from the below mentioned combinations.


>Episode ES-SUB-12-300-MB ( dnt know abt this brand)
>Velodyne DLS-4000R
>Polk DSW Pro 600
>Paradigm DSP-3200
>Klipsch SW-112

Fronts (L+R)

>Episode ES-700-MON-6-BLK- FRONT-LR
>Monitor Audio RX1
>B&W 685 ( its not S2 version)
>Definitive Technology SM 450
>Paradigm SE 1
>Klipsch RB 61


>Episode ES-700-LCR-5-BLK
>Monitor Audio RX Centre
>B& W HTM61
>Definitive Technology C/L/R2002
>Paradigm SE Cen
>Klipsch RC-62II


>Monitor Audio R90HD
>Sunfire HRS SAT4
>Definitive Technology ProMonitor 800
>Paradigm Cinema 90
>Klipsch XB-10
>SpeakerCraft AIM WIDE FIVE
>Sonance 623R SST
>Niles CM750FX

Receiver from the following to run the above

Help will be appreciated, Its on urgent basis,

I only know about B & W and Monitor brands, i dnt know frankly speaking, cant comment

Room dimension, i dnt know but it is medium sized room, i would say
I have heard/listened to B & W once and Monitor Audio speakers.... Both of them are accomplished speakers...Other speakers that you have mentioned are big names in the industry.....

Since you dont have constraint on budget & have preference towards Monitor Audio and B & W, give an audition in your city & shortlist....

Coming to AVR's, you have left out Yamaha/Onkyo/Pioneer...My suggestions for AVR Denon X 4000 / Marantz 7008/ Marantz 7009

If you are open to consider other brands, then Onkyo TX NR 939 / TX NR 1010.. You can consider top of the line AVR's from Yamaha Aventage series RX A 10X0/20X0 series....Pionner LX series AVR's
I hv only auditioned Monitor i dnt know....plz need more suggestions.....i cant demo as i have to buy within 1 week. Thats why i want to have a help from all of you to find the best among the above.

Everyone has different taste in systems....some want the looks, some want performance., some prefer systems within a tightlined budget...and there are also some who want to own something just because the neighbour has something (Competition).

Since budget is not a constrain, you should go with your favourite music and movies and visit as many dealers as possible and shortlist the systems which appeal to you...keep in mind your room dimensions and which kind of speakers would suit better (towers/satellite/bookshelf).

You should invest wisely in good speakers as this is something you will not change regularly. AVRs or AMPs will keep changing with the updating of features etc on periodic basis due to market competition.

All the best!
your speakers will decide your AVR and vice versa. Some speakers mate well with some AVR's, so please keep that in mind. You may get the most expensive speaker system and most expensive AVR, but if they are do not match, your performance is effected.
I have decided on the following setup

Monitor Audio RX6 or RX2
Monitor Audio BX
Monitor Audio Surrounds FX

B and W MT60D HT setup

Suggest me SUB and AVR for both systems
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.