Help Needed regarding my PANNY


Active Member
Mar 4, 2011
hay all,

i have a question regarding my Panny 42C10D I bought last year. that was the time when HD transmission looked a distant future (sure, I was wrong!).

The query I have is, I have connected my Airtel HD to plasma via HDMI. As I switch on the TV, the lable on the screen reads 1080i along with HDMI 1 (the active source) regardless which channel is switched ON. Does that mean that when I am connecting amy source to HDMI1, my TV is converting the picture to 1080i?

if it really does have this feature, i believe it works only with HDMI connection, coz I have connected my SONY DZ 120 HTiB to the TV through Component cable, and the lable reads native resolution of the source. The highest I have got is 720p while playing Cars DVD and the DVD of The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Can you guys tell me what is the highest possible resolution one gets on this Panny model?
@ paritosh , you've answered the question yourself...the max resolution you'll get is 720p. 1080i (interlaced) is actually just a number (no noticeable diff between 720p and 1080i) on my 42x20.
However 1080p (programmed) resolution for moving lines is diff game, am sure you'll agree !!

SD content on non-upscaling DVDp = TV will display incoming signal resolution
SD content on upscaling DVDp = 720p max
STB HD = 720p max
Feed 1080p signal = TV will downscale and display 720p

in other words 720p is what you'll get max as its the native resolution.

hope this helps !
SD content on non-upscaling DVDp = TV will display incoming signal resolution
SD content on upscaling DVDp = 720p max
STB HD = 720p max
Feed 1080p signal = TV will downscale and display 720p

in other words 720p is what you'll get max as its the native resolution.

hope this helps !

@novice-akki.. I'm looking to buy a Plasma 42" TV. Kindly tell me if the difference between HDTV and Full HD 42" Plasma is huge (keeping in mind the optimal viewing distance)

One more question, does panny support media play back through USB?
@eshwar, please search the forum regd. the same (HD ready vs Full HD) it has been discussed countless times and there's every bit of info available on the same.

Panny 2011 line of tv's have the USB playback support..this again has been discussed and is going-on in a recent thread !
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