hm... interesting.... i guess i will postpone streaming to TV for some time until i get some product which is able to stream HD content wirelessly. For now i will just go with a NAS Media server which will broadcast intenet and share files to the clients.
I just need some more input on what will be the good configuration to build a NAS server, the config should hold good when I start streaming the media to TV's (in the near future
). So below will be the list i will be needing to build up a NAS server, please provide me with the best in each category.
1.NAS Server
1.1.CPU -
1.3.RAM -
Bigger it's better, Although you should be aware of Windows Xp limitations as it supports only up to 3.5 GB, So choose an operating system flavour which supports this.
1.4.SATA Controller Card (To increase the number of HD's in the future)
1.5.RAID Controller Card (Somewhere i read to better have it, is it true?)
Yes, Software RAID is often inferior to a Hardware RAID. RAID 5 will give you better performance and better cost efficiency.
1.6.Ethernet Cards (I am planning on 2, one for internet and file sharing and the second for media streaming to Tv's in future, are 2 required?)
Having 2 interfaces would definitely improve. But you've said you will be using only Wireless and not wired. In that case why do you need 2 cards?
1.8.Video Card
1.9.TV-Tuner (For future to record TV-Shows)
1.13.OS (MS Media Server?) -
See my note in 1.3
2.Wireless Router (802.11n) (this also i am planning for 2, one for internet and file sharing and the second for media streaming to TV's in future, are 2 required? )
I don't think you require 2, 1 should be suffice.
3.All the clients will have Wireless ethernet cards to access intenet and files from the media server (Should i go with internal cards or usb ones?)
I guess i am not missing any!, please provide you valuable input or even..., redirecting to links also is good
Once again thanks for all the info.