I will buy a cart alignment gear once i buy a better TT.
I haven't thought of what i will upgrade to. I know one thing, it has to give me good VFM.
Hey Vasu,
The Project are the BEST vfm!
You know, you would have so loved the TT I sold to sid. It was pure vfm. I had used it only for 3-4 months. had not even broken-in the cartridge. Then I saw the Clearaudio Ambient. Went mad and bought it! (Am happy I did!)
But the fact is that I bought the Project 2Xperience for 83k. And sid got a superb 'like new' piece (due to my madness) for just 57k!
Now that's double value! Coz, to begin with the Project 2Xp is very reasonable for the MRP. And this low price made it very much more so!
Look out for a deal like that....