Hi, Ascending to Audiophile. Wish me luck!

Just saying. One descends to become an audiophile and not ascend. Becoming an audiophile is like marriage. Either you will never be happy with your equipment or your equipment will demand better treatment from you, better rooms, larger rooms costly audio jewellery and lot of pampering like exotic necklaces in the form of cables, costly shoes which will isolate vibrations. There will be many one night stands with someone elses equipment which will make you doubt your current equipment, leading to costly divorces with your equipments. This will be an endless saga till (IF) one day suddenly under a bodhi tree you will realize "Yeh audio shaudio Sab Moh Maya Hai"
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Very nice anology used Bhangui ji. That shows how manipulative the human mind can get.👌
Going DIY is hugely satisfying. And DIY'ers never had it better until now. Quality class D amplification and DSP for active crossovers is really reasonably priced these days. Stick to established build plans on Troels, diyaudio.com etc sites. Dont deviate from the plans, or the drivers used. And you will get a great sounding active speaker for 1/4 the price of an equivalent performing commercially made speaker. I will only ever buy speakers which are difficult to build like electrostatics or omnidirectionals ( MBL ). But the usual dynamic driver speakers can be easily built with the vast knowledge resources accessible for free on forums like diyaudio etc. Just dont expect them to perform at wilson audio etc levels and all will be fine in the world again :)
Every time I make my mind about DIY and find some nice plans. I'm always short 2-3 parts that I can't find on sale anywhere haha.
Just now I was looking at build plans for these gorgeous bookshelves (http://www.hificircuit.com/community/threads/the-alti-a-diy-2-way-bookshelf-speaker-design.773/)
I looked around a found all the parts except the Hi-Vi M5N (both M4N & M6N are available), 2 capacitors and a port tube. Just my luck they were out of stock or they aren't common drivers people buy here?(M5N)
Every time I make my mind about DIY and find some nice plans. I'm always short 2-3 parts that I can't find on sale anywhere haha.
Just now I was looking at build plans for these gorgeous bookshelves (http://www.hificircuit.com/community/threads/the-alti-a-diy-2-way-bookshelf-speaker-design.773/)
I looked around a found all the parts except the Hi-Vi M5N (both M4N & M6N are available), 2 capacitors and a port tube. Just my luck they were out of stock or they aren't common drivers people buy here?(M5N)
Oops yeah....we really have a scarcity of drivers here in India. The caps are not an issue, as you can always supplement with a different make cap of the same value, though the sound will change a bit if at all.

www.audiofy.in and diyaudiocart are some reliable sellers available in India. And if you have anyone coming from US, then can buy from madisound and hand carry back.

Best is to first list all the mid bass drivers and tweeters you can find in the above sites. Then google builds with those drivers. You should be able to find a lot of options that way. All the best :)
Oops yeah....we really have a scarcity of drivers here in India. The caps are not an issue, as you can always supplement with a different make cap of the same value, though the sound will change a bit if at all.

www.audiofy.in and diyaudiocart are some reliable sellers available in India. And if you have anyone coming from US, then can buy from madisound and hand carry back.

Best is to first list all the mid bass drivers and tweeters you can find in the above sites. Then google builds with those drivers. You should be able to find a lot of options that way. All the best :)
Thanks for the help!

I'll do just that. I found a list of sites for drivers on the forum somewhere and I'll google to see what else is available.
I don't have a clue where to start building an amp tho, so I'll have to do some research first. I'll make a post when I'm at the starting point asking for advice.
Thank you.
I don't have a good(trained) ear and I'd hope to experience most of it before the ears mature.

It's really life's biggest conundrum, You don't have money when you are young and you don't have good ears to experience the best of it when you do get money.

Thankfully I don't have a neighbor problem and my soon to be home office is isolated and has 9" masonry walls but I don't have a budget Or need for large speakers...for now.
I have always loved wooden accent over the commercial black look that most consumer loudspeakers tend to have.
I'd loooove to build my own with a kit or build the cabinets by getting a parts only kit.
Overnight sensation(from diyaudiocart) was my best bet to get a kit with a reasonable price under my budget but they don't have either mt or mtm in stock and no sign of restocking but I'll keep an eye out.
I'd love to know about any other kit that I can build in my budget.
Oops -- I read the first post and missed the one about the dedicated room and the village...apology. There are zillions of things you could do to stay in budget if you are okay making your own cabinets--the tough part will be deciding. There are a LOT of people running single driver stuff like the Mark Audio drivers available at diyaudiocart for desktop computer speakers...not much filtering/parts, etc. They invite experimentation and seem accessible. I don't know what these tiny things are (not MA, though), for example, but there's some element of pure fun working to extract a lot from a little. I bring this up because getting one set of drivers and building a bunch of different cabinets for them is a great way to educate your own hearing about some bits of acoustics for the least amount of expense. Depends on what you really want. If you like jazz and want to save a few steps, I think you can put together a pretty sweet 2-way with the drivers on that site and stay economical (might need @Vineethkumar01 to find you a better horn locally than the square pattern jobs they sell, though). If that's of interest, I can look harder another time. The thing about saving time on the jazz and classical is just that there's no replacement for dynamics & size but it takes time to learn that.

The only other thing is to treat your own audio preferences just like anyone else's food preferences -- really -- they're that personal. There is no One sound to chase after, there are only things which please or displease us :) Doesn't mean you can't still chase, it just takes the agony out of it and substitutes the reality that you are a human being seeking dopamine and that it doesn't necessarily reflect on your audio gear.
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Oops -- I read the first post and missed the one about the dedicated room and the village...apology. There are zillions of things you could do to stay in budget if you are okay making your own cabinets--the tough part will be deciding. There are a LOT of people running single driver stuff like the Mark Audio drivers available at diyaudiocart for desktop computer speakers...not much filtering/parts, etc. They invite experimentation and seem accessible. I don't know what these tiny things are (not MA, though), for example, but there's some element of pure fun working to extract a lot from a little. I bring this up because getting one set of drivers and building a bunch of different cabinets for them is a great way to educate your own hearing about some bits of acoustics for the least amount of expense. Depends on what you really want. If you like jazz and want to save a few steps, I think you can put together a pretty sweet 2-way with the drivers on that site and stay economical (might need @Vineethkumar01 to find you a better horn locally than the square pattern jobs they sell, though). If that's of interest, I can look harder another time. The thing about saving time on the jazz and classical is just that there's no replacement for dynamics & size but it takes time to learn that.

The only other thing is to treat your own audio preferences just like anyone else's food preferences -- really -- they're that personal. There is no One sound to chase after, there are only things which please or displease us :) Doesn't mean you can't still chase, it just takes the agony out of it and substitutes the reality that you are a human being seeking dopamine and that it doesn't necessarily reflect on your audio gear.
Oh wow. Didn't even know things like those exist. Interesting designs. I'm looking at some super simple 2 way bookshelves(with drivers I can get in India) as we speak. I'll research things I'd need to know and ask the folks here if I'm not sure about stuff.
Please feel free to point out some designs.
Hello all!

My name is Rahul, and I'm happy to be a part of this forum.
I was lucky enough to secure a remote job last year and decided to build a dedicated setup in a separate room(office?). I've been lurking in the forum and it's been incredibly helpful and super interesting.
Being from a middle class family and not having access to a space to really enjoy audio (everyone apparently complains if the volume goes right over the 'barely audible dialogue' haha. Why so loud volume, you can hear properly with low volume too no? 😅), I had only enjoyed 'gaming' headphones and earphones. Until recently, when I got some really nice IEM and truly experienced music. I love any and all kinds of music. Maybe I'll a develop a taste along the way for a specific type.
I found some really nice source in the forum. I'll start with the jazz playlist and the hindustani classical music from the pinned post.

So now I want to have a proper audio setup. (Oh god, is this how the audiophile bug starts?),
so some entry level bookshelf speakers to connect to my pc (got an audio interface and mic already). I have a budget of 30k and would appreciate any advice on where to find good gear or specific models to start.
My friend suggested to get old gear and upgrade it as my hearing and taste grows so If anyone is willing to sell their old gear, that would be absolutely amazing too.

Welcome to the forum. You are right where you need to be. Wonderful folks here with immense knowledge, knowhow & wisdom.
Do as your friend suggested. Start slow as slow & steady is the mantra for someone just starting out on this journey, which is practically never ending.
Your budget is 30k. Stick to that for now. Save up(this can be expensive business). And if in doubt, seek help.
Good luck & good night.
Welcome to the madness. My bother and I are building our set up on a budget - but were lucky to inherit some equipment from our parents. Most of what we have has been bought used - have a lovely Tube Amp by Cayin, speakers by JL Lab and B&W, a Cambridge Audio CXA80 and a rega turntable. Welcome to give it a listen anytime you are in Dlehi/Noida!
Hello all!

My name is Rahul, and I'm happy to be a part of this forum.
I was lucky enough to secure a remote job last year and decided to build a dedicated setup in a separate room(office?). I've been lurking in the forum and it's been incredibly helpful and super interesting.
Being from a middle class family and not having access to a space to really enjoy audio (everyone apparently complains if the volume goes right over the 'barely audible dialogue' haha. Why so loud volume, you can hear properly with low volume too no? 😅), I had only enjoyed 'gaming' headphones and earphones. Until recently, when I got some really nice IEM and truly experienced music. I love any and all kinds of music. Maybe I'll a develop a taste along the way for a specific type.
I found some really nice source in the forum. I'll start with the jazz playlist and the hindustani classical music from the pinned post.

So now I want to have a proper audio setup. (Oh god, is this how the audiophile bug starts?),
so some entry level bookshelf speakers to connect to my pc (got an audio interface and mic already). I have a budget of 30k and would appreciate any advice on where to find good gear or specific models to start.
My friend suggested to get old gear and upgrade it as my hearing and taste grows so If anyone is willing to sell their old gear, that would be absolutely amazing too.

Well come to a roller coaster ride.

Experience is best when borrowed rather than bought. So spend wisely and keep a tab on forums like this to find first hand experience of the products you intend to buy and/or its alternatives.

Good luck.
Hello all!

My name is Rahul, and I'm happy to be a part of this forum.
I was lucky enough to secure a remote job last year and decided to build a dedicated setup in a separate room(office?). I've been lurking in the forum and it's been incredibly helpful and super interesting.
Being from a middle class family and not having access to a space to really enjoy audio (everyone apparently complains if the volume goes right over the 'barely audible dialogue' haha. Why so loud volume, you can hear properly with low volume too no? 😅), I had only enjoyed 'gaming' headphones and earphones. Until recently, when I got some really nice IEM and truly experienced music. I love any and all kinds of music. Maybe I'll a develop a taste along the way for a specific type.
I found some really nice source in the forum. I'll start with the jazz playlist and the hindustani classical music from the pinned post.

So now I want to have a proper audio setup. (Oh god, is this how the audiophile bug starts?),
so some entry level bookshelf speakers to connect to my pc (got an audio interface and mic already). I have a budget of 30k and would appreciate any advice on where to find good gear or specific models to start.
My friend suggested to get old gear and upgrade it as my hearing and taste grows so If anyone is willing to sell their old gear, that would be absolutely amazing too.



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