HI FI set up with 5 to 6 lakh budget. Is focal 926 a right choice?

raj Indukuri

New Member
Jun 6, 2023

I am looking to set up Flooring standing speakers with an amp and sub.
No surround required. since I like to listen to music than watch movies.

as mentioned budget is around 5- 6 lakhs. need suggestions.

I am looking at Focal 926 or 936. with Naim atom and focal 1000 sub.

but it is slightly crossing my budget as the prices of Focal has increased again.

can some one suggest me if the Built in subs in 900 are good, can I use them with out sub woofer. my Living are is pretty open and big close to 1000 sft.

Is Naim really the best amp for focal.Its pretty expensive.

Also kindly suggest me good dealer with great offers. My dealer here is offering 20% discount.
please advice and I am open to explore any ideas.

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This is one speaker that qualifies your requirements, having heard it multiple times in a friends living/dinning space, should be at home in the 1000sq ft space, he runs them with matrix audio element P amplifier
I'd come across this speaker on the AudioCO website sometime earlier and it'd greatly intrigued me. Impressions please? :)

I am looking to set up Flooring standing speakers with an amp and sub.
No surround required. since I like to listen to music than watch movies.

as mentioned budget is around 5- 6 lakhs. need suggestions.

I am looking at Focal 926 or 936. with Naim atom and focal 1000 sub.

but it is slightly crossing my budget as the prices of Focal has increased again.

can some one suggest me if the Built in subs in 900 are good, can I use them with out sub woofer. my Living are is pretty open and big close to 1000 sft.

Is Naim really the best amp for focal.Its pretty expensive.

Also kindly suggest me good dealer with great offers. My dealer here is offering 20% discount.
please advice and I am open to explore any ideas.

Your listening distance is important.
And how will your integrated the subwoofer with the speakers ?
I'd come across this speaker on the AudioCO website sometime earlier and it'd greatly intrigued me. Impressions please? :)

Given the size it needs good space to sound how it does, they specially set the walls rocking with EDM and the music alike. Bass being fast, hits seriously hard in the chest and the furnishings, when switching the amplifier from element P to sugden the bass become alot more tuneful and groovy and not just brute force, the midrange however sounded little recessed and not as open or expressive, could be due to the 2 12" mids and the high's are very easy on the ears, not once did the speaker sound fatiguing or boring, its very forgiving of the recordings. Its got a very engaging sound which sets your feet taping the moment you start playing music. Soundstage, the scale of the presentation are huge, music has good depth, imaging I found was ok-ok. Overall I say its a very engaging and fun speaker with slight emphasis on bass.
Given the size it needs good space to sound how it does, they specially set the walls rocking with EDM and the music alike. Bass being fast, hits seriously hard in the chest and the furnishings, when switching the amplifier from element P to sugden the bass become alot more tuneful and groovy and not just brute force, the midrange however sounded little recessed and not as open or expressive, could be due to the 2 12" mids and the high's are very easy on the ears, not once did the speaker sound fatiguing or boring, its very forgiving of the recordings. Its got a very engaging sound which sets your feet taping the moment you start playing music. Soundstage, the scale of the presentation are huge, music has good depth, imaging I found was ok-ok. Overall I say its a very engaging and fun speaker with slight emphasis on bass.
So then, it does fulfill the brief that the exterior design of the speakers suggest. I would imagine that in such a big room, fullness of tone with a softer attack that is forgiving takes precedence over imaging because most people would not have such dimensions for a listening room where they're fixed to a particular listening spot, nor would it be practicable to treat the entire space.
That pretty much makes sense, he has placed them in his family lounge space so more or less makes for a casual listening space when you have family or friends over.
Your listening distance is important.
And how will your integrated the subwoofer with the speakers ?
please find the layout of the room. its 25*40 with no walls in between.
listening distance is 12 ft.
I will integrate the speakers with an amp or avr . I am a newbie and my answer sounds so stupid to me.

Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 11.23.09 PM.png
please find the layout of the room. its 25*40 with no walls in between.
listening distance is 12 ft.
I will integrate the speakers with an amp or avr . I am a newbie and my answer sounds so stupid to me.

View attachment 77493
With this listening distance even a bookshelf would do.. you can easily get 90+dB continuous at listening position. And so is with the subwoofer.
As mentioned budget is around 5- 6 lakhs. need suggestions.
You can check out Sonus faber speakers as well in this budget. Its' also greatly sounding speakers.
Also , you might need to invest on Power Amplifier on top of AVR/or processor as well to power your speakers whether its Focal or any other speakers which will give you pure clarity in the sound.

I am looking to set up Flooring standing speakers with an amp and sub.
No surround required. since I like to listen to music than watch movies.

as mentioned budget is around 5- 6 lakhs. need suggestions.

I am looking at Focal 926 or 936. with Naim atom and focal 1000 sub.

but it is slightly crossing my budget as the prices of Focal has increased again.

can some one suggest me if the Built in subs in 900 are good, can I use them with out sub woofer. my Living are is pretty open and big close to 1000 sft.

Is Naim really the best amp for focal.Its pretty expensive.

Also kindly suggest me good dealer with great offers. My dealer here is offering 20% discount.
please advice and I am open to explore any ideas.

Since I have limited knowledge of product availability in India, here are my recommendation based on Hifimart. Naim Atom is a waste in the sense after you install it, you will very soon start craving for power.

These recommendations are based on what is available from HIFIMART.

There are tons of options that can be formed in the budget you have specified but the ones you have chosen are definitely not how I would spend that kind of money.

The remainder of funds can be used for good cabling and a power source such as Puritan PSM156 which is a must to extract the best out of your equipment. I would first get this and then rest if I were to start building my system again.

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