Hi Five!

Anand A

New Member
Aug 9, 2023
Hello audiophiles, my name is Anand. Have been a lurker in these forum for a while and finally decided to create an account and seek guidance from the community here. I am a noob to the world of sound, who is honestly overwhelmed with the vocabulary and technicalities that I keep hearing. I have pieced together a modest equipment consisting of a vintage Rotal 412 Amplifier, older than me, and two Tannoy floorstanders (which doesn’t have the original tannoy speakers though- something I realised after a long time after picking it up on Olx) and I stream audio through a Chromecast Audio device. As u can obviously see, can’t even qualify myself as an audiophile yet, but honestly I fell in love with the sound produced by the Rotel which put my Yamaha AVR to shame, and then I started reading about the HiFi world more. So finally here I’m. Ready to explore more of this rabbit hole. Today I might also be receiving my first serious DAC - a Schiit Modi 3E. So good times ahead I suppose!
Welcome Anand to the world of Hifi. being an audiophile is not about what gear you have but and understanding and appreciation of how the synergies between the room and components can be maximised to get the best sound. Its also about appreciating and celebrating good sound and for that the most "expensive" thing is time taken to educate and setup than money spent !

Do post a picture of the Tannoys.

The Rotel you have is from the 70s which was still a time components were designed well and the brand was doing very well as well. so am sure you are on a good track.
Thanks a bunch for the kind words and assurance. This is what’s left of the Tannoy. Original speakers are replaced with Atone R150s


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The cabinet seems to be for the Tannoy Sixes series with its unique trapezoid shape . the drivers seem to have been replaced and is that what you meant by the Atones ?
The cabinet seems to be for the Tannoy Sixes series with its unique trapezoid shape . the drivers seem to have been replaced and is that what you meant by the Atones ?
Yes. The drivers are Atones. The main reason to go for these were mostly the dimensions available to place the floorstanders below a projector screen I have :) They looked cool too. I have no idea how the original Tannoy drivers would sound! I wish!
and two Tannoy floorstanders (which doesn’t have the original tannoy speakers though- something I realised after a long time after picking it up on Olx
It must have been harrowing when you realised that. It also says how much Olx India (the only significant online C2C marketplace for preowned goods in the country) is inferior to something like eBay UK. And the long way we the people have to go before we call ourselves ‘mahaan’ (which ironically, we wont need to when we get there). The seller obviously didn’t have the compunction to reveal that the speakers didn’t have original drivers. Nor does the platform promote ethical and punish unethical behaviour through a well-functioning user rating system.

As u can obviously see, can’t even qualify myself as an audiophile yet,
There’s no need to ‘call yourself’ anything. All labels are reductive. What’s important is that you are enjoying your gear, whatever it is. Someone with a very high end gear might not have the acute listening/appreciation that you possess. It’s a hobby, and a journey - each person’s journey is so unique and interesting. Yours too. We are here to share ours and appreciate and learn from others’. Have fruitful engagement here and an enjoyable journey.
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Welcome aboard anand :)

I could'nt have put it across any better than @Phew . It is the love and appreciation for music that first drew us all here, and the gear chase just followed :D

Do post away any queries you may have. We understand how unnecessarily the terminology has been complicated, but dont let that put you off. Feel free to jump in and join the conversations. We all learn along the way :)
Hello audiophiles, my name is Anand. Have been a lurker in these forum for a while and finally decided to create an account and seek guidance from the community here. I am a noob to the world of sound, who is honestly overwhelmed with the vocabulary and technicalities that I keep hearing. I have pieced together a modest equipment consisting of a vintage Rotal 412 Amplifier, older than me, and two Tannoy floorstanders (which doesn’t have the original tannoy speakers though- something I realised after a long time after picking it up on Olx) and I stream audio through a Chromecast Audio device. As u can obviously see, can’t even qualify myself as an audiophile yet, but honestly I fell in love with the sound produced by the Rotel which put my Yamaha AVR to shame, and then I started reading about the HiFi world more. So finally here I’m. Ready to explore more of this rabbit hole. Today I might also be receiving my first serious DAC - a Schiit Modi 3E. So good times ahead I suppose!


Welcome to HFV.

I am sure you will find your experience here very enriching and enjoyable.

Make sure to visit the countless posts which is based on direct experience, technical knowledge and honest feedback.

If the post / response to you helps in any way, use the 'Like' button which is located at the right hand bottom of the post. This helps to build up positive reputation for the FM (Fellow Member).

Hope you have a great journey here! Nice to have FMs with awesome talent used professionally.

All the best!
Welcome, I personally avoid the term audiophile as it tends to be very restrictive. One who is badged as an audiophile is almost certainly expected to have shelves of expensive equipment, stacks of LPs and CDs, and an overall net mancave value running into several hundred thousand (INR, better still USD). How about musicophile for a change? I have previously been down that path myself and realized that it all comes down to how you love to listen to your music. If something expensive sounds great, thats fantastic, alternately if you experience the same thrills when listening to something not expensive, thats still fantastic. Wish you all the very best!
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