How to" break-in" new speakers?

Let the speakers break themselves in.... there is nothing like a natural break in at different volumes and different kinds of music..... you will be through with the process in less than a month..... if you need to accelerate it along, hook up a radio and play FM for a few days....
Sure, the break-in period is really there, no doubt about it with my speakers (although quite old now, but I do remember quite vividly) and with all other speakers I have seen from out-of-the-box condition at places of friends and family.

However, from posts above (especially venkat's and odyssey's) it seems you got to do it in some specific ways. May be you do. I know some special CDs are available for breaking in CD players (and perhaps also amps) with continuous playing.

What I have always done with whatever I have bought (including any cables), I just use the equipments as usual, be that couple of hours of running every day or whatever at the normal volumes. Obviously the performance is not always great before the break-in. But I wait and things settle eventually. Is there anything wrong doing it this way? I guess not, but one may have to wait longer with certain equipments than the speacialised methods suggested above.


Yes I did the same with my Bose 201 speakers recently. The speakers did not sound all that great initially but after a few weeks of operations they started sounding good. Break in is real. no doubt
Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
I am playing everyday Music,FM,Movies etc so that it get break-in with the usage.
Even my HP laptop speakers speakers sounded horrible initially. but with some time they sounded better. i donot remember how long it took but the scratchy and muddled sound was gone and it sounded better as small speakers should sound.
Hello, It is common for one speaker to display more presentation, especially in the treble, where the sibilance is below the other speaker, more in the box. than the other during break-in period. I am experiencing this at the moment with a new pair of Quad 12L that I purchased 9 days ago. Or is there more likely a fault? thanks
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