how to buy dac in india?


Feb 23, 2020
hello its daksh
i am planning to buy schitt modi 3 .. a 99$ entery level dac.
i live in gurgaon, india.

plz advice me how to buy it? what would be best? 1) from some dealer? 2) inporter 3) from schitt website (i contacted em .they said they willl deliver but india customs i have to pay myself and if anything goes wring with it ..i have to sent it back to em in us to awail repairs and warranty) 4)or some indian website?
any ideas are apppriciated
thank you
If i get it imported ( website or dealer)
Thers no service center in india or are there ??

Or should i go for indian company with indian service centre
Like fiio
Can anyone review fiio k3 .. is it worth ? And is as good as schitt modi 3 ????

Its a headphone dac ,i am using it for desktop
Does this matter ???

As u can see i am looking for entry level dacs for desktop

If kiio is as good as schitt modi 3
I will definitely go for indian brands for obvious reasons
By kiio you mean fiio I guess

But fiio is not an Indian brand

Allo is, maybe partially but surely is indian brand

You can buy their dacs , but only issue is no stand alone dacs. Need to use with raspberry pi, which no way is a deal breaker.
By kiio you mean fiio I guess

But fiio is not an Indian brand

Allo is, maybe partially but surely is indian brand

You can buy their dacs , but only issue is no stand alone dacs. Need to use with raspberry pi, which no way is a deal breaker.
What do u mean by "not stand alone" ...???
Raspberry pi is streamer??!! My aim is to improve inbuilt dac of my laptop...
What do u mean by "not stand alone" ...???
Raspberry pi is streamer??!! My aim is to improve inbuilt dac of my laptop...
Allo makes add on cards which is a dac but can't be use by itself. You need to connect it to the GPIO pins of the raspberry pi
Not heard both but personally if these were the only two options I would choose schiit.

See if you can get something used for your budget.
Would be better bang for buck then a new one
hello its daksh
i am planning to buy schitt modi 3 .. a 99$ entery level dac.
i live in gurgaon, india.

plz advice me how to buy it? what would be best? 1) from some dealer? 2) inporter 3) from schitt website (i contacted em .they said they willl deliver but india customs i have to pay myself and if anything goes wring with it ..i have to sent it back to em in us to awail repairs and warranty) 4)or some indian website?
any ideas are apppriciated
thank you
Hi, please post your audio chain where in you desire to hook the dac mentioned above so that the FMs can suggest you better.
If i get it imported ( website or dealer)
Thers no service center in india or are there ??

Or should i go for indian company with indian service centre
Like fiio
Can anyone review fiio k3 .. is it worth ? And is as good as schitt modi 3 ????

Its a headphone dac ,i am using it for desktop
Does this matter ???

As u can see i am looking for entry level dacs for desktop

If kiio is as good as schitt modi 3
I will definitely go for indian brands for obvious reasons
Fiio K3 is good DAC for those starting out in separation of chain. I bought one in January after using LG V series phone for past couple of years for portable audio. As I'm amidst relocating, I want something that would improve my audio experience irrespective of whether I'm listening using Earphones or Speakers.
In Desktop/Laptop scenario, it works well after finagling with configuration of media player such as Foobar or MusicBee ( These are the 2 that support DSD playback through K3).
Output through earphones (2.5mm and 3.5mm) has clarity of soundstage but it doesn't add anything to it. If the sound lacks that body, that meatiness to it, it won't be able to do much about it but for the most part you won't notice this over the clarity if you use Headphones or Earphones.
Now if you use it's PreOut to drive an Integrated or an amplifier then things change.
I fed it's PreOut to both my setup, A (K3->SMSL AD-18-> Wharfedale Obsidian 600 L-R and Polk Audio PSW110 Sub ) and B ( K3-> NAD320 and Crown XLS2502 -> JBL Control L-R and twin JBL 12inch subwoofers )
In setup A, the clarity was there and bass was tight but it lacked depth. Setup B turned out to be more revealing where normally warm sound of NAD became lively with an upfront soundstage but lack of depth became more evident. This made few treble heavy tracks sound almost shrill but on the other hand one of my worst recording, a 64Kbps one did sound almost fine.
So in short, if your primary use is going to be a PC with Headphone or Earphone based output, it is a decent DAC to buy for beginners and newbies to HiFi audio. If you are going to feed DAC output to speakers in a mid-to-big sized room, skip this DAC.
Fiio K3 is good DAC for those starting out in separation of chain. I bought one in January after using LG V series phone for past couple of years for portable audio. As I'm amidst relocating, I want something that would improve my audio experience irrespective of whether I'm listening using Earphones or Speakers.
In Desktop/Laptop scenario, it works well after finagling with configuration of media player such as Foobar or MusicBee ( These are the 2 that support DSD playback through K3).
Output through earphones (2.5mm and 3.5mm) has clarity of soundstage but it doesn't add anything to it. If the sound lacks that body, that meatiness to it, it won't be able to do much about it but for the most part you won't notice this over the clarity if you use Headphones or Earphones.
Now if you use it's PreOut to drive an Integrated or an amplifier then things change.
I fed it's PreOut to both my setup, A (K3->SMSL AD-18-> Wharfedale Obsidian 600 L-R and Polk Audio PSW110 Sub ) and B ( K3-> NAD320 and Crown XLS2502 -> JBL Control L-R and twin JBL 12inch subwoofers )
In setup A, the clarity was there and bass was tight but it lacked depth. Setup B turned out to be more revealing where normally warm sound of NAD became lively with an upfront soundstage but lack of depth became more evident. This made few treble heavy tracks sound almost shrill but on the other hand one of my worst recording, a 64Kbps one did sound almost fine.
So in short, if your primary use is going to be a PC with Headphone or Earphone based output, it is a decent DAC to buy for beginners and newbies to HiFi audio. If you are going to feed DAC output to speakers in a mid-to-big sized room, skip this DAC.
I am going to take digital data from my pc and use dac to convert it to analog( to make it clear) that i am gonna feed to my integrated amp to play music in my bookshelf speakers with a subwoofer

What dac u advice at 100$ / 10k inr range???

( entery level for biginner listener and entry level music system
but but i have good ear for music and notic and feel mildest music variation)

Plz comment on schitt modi 3 ?
Hi, please post your audio chain where in you desire to hook the dac mentioned above so that the FMs can suggest you better.

1st from my laptop i wanna play music ( internal dac is very bad , even worse than my internal cell phone )
Feed it to
2) dac
3) from dac to my old sony av receiver ( which i am planning to replace with mazart or denon stereo amp) to
4) pair of dali bookshelf and sony subwoofer

As u can see i am at very early stage of making an music system
But bad internal dac of devices always killed music for me even with entery level audio system
Best dac i heard till now is iphone internal dac. Never tried external dac... so anything better to that is gonna do magic for me .. hence aiming entery level dacs .. like schiit modi 3 ( 10k inr) ..fiio etc
Plz advice
Best dac i heard till now is iphone internal dac.
LG ThinQ series have better inbuilt DACs, far superior than iPhone's DAC. For 10K, i think you would be better off with Schiit Modi 3, also looking at your previous posts you seem to be linking this DAC. You can buy new from
I see it's currently unavailable, you may either have to check with them frequently on the availability or import from US. If you know anyone traveling to India, you can order directly from Schiit or from amazon to them.
LG ThinQ series have better inbuilt DACs, far superior than iPhone's DAC. For 10K, i think you would be better off with Schiit Modi 3, also looking at your previous posts you seem to be linking this DAC. You can buy new from
I see it's currently unavailable, you may either have to check with them frequently on the availability or import from US. If you know anyone traveling to India, you can order directly from Schiit or from amazon to them.
Thank you...
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!