how to buy dac in india?

Also if u guys can help

I dont understand difference between multi bit dacs and normal ones. And its impact on audio
Or it impacts on type of audio sampling like hi res.
Plz explain
As i saw schitt modi 3 is not multi bit
Multi bit are expensive

I know basis like digital/ analog, bitrate, bitdepth and sampling rates etc
Also if u guys can help

I dont understand difference between multi bit dacs and normal ones. And its impact on audio
Or it impacts on type of audio sampling like hi res.
Plz explain
As i saw schitt modi 3 is not multi bit
Multi bit are expensive

I know basis like digital/ analog, bitrate, bitdepth and sampling rates etc

In general multibit dacs are less resolving in nature have fatter sound but some people find them more musical and tonally satisfying than others. They are costly to make amd dont expect too much from entry level multibit dacs. Companies only produce them because their is a constant demand for them. Good performing multibit dacs will cost a lot more.
I am going to take digital data from my pc and use dac to convert it to analog( to make it clear) that i am gonna feed to my integrated amp to play music in my bookshelf speakers with a subwoofer

What dac u advice at 100$ / 10k inr range???

( entery level for biginner listener and entry level music system
but but i have good ear for music and notic and feel mildest music variation)

Plz comment on schitt modi 3 ?
I can't comment on Schitt Modi as I haven't used it or heard it. But if you are operating in the range of 10K and will be sourcing music through laptop primarily then I would recommend a USB DAC and in your budget you can get some good ones such as Dragonfly Black. Also don't discount the ChiFi products such as SMSL M3.
1st from my laptop i wanna play music ( internal dac is very bad , even worse than my internal cell phone )
Feed it to
2) dac
3) from dac to my old sony av receiver ( which i am planning to replace with mazart or denon stereo amp) to
4) pair of dali bookshelf and sony subwoofer

As u can see i am at very early stage of making an music system
But bad internal dac of devices always killed music for me even with entery level audio system
Best dac i heard till now is iphone internal dac. Never tried external dac... so anything better to that is gonna do magic for me .. hence aiming entery level dacs .. like schiit modi 3 ( 10k inr) ..fiio etc
Plz advice
Hi, I would recommend Schiit Modi Multibit DAC if you can stretch your budget a little bit. This should be a long keeper 'till you wish to upgrade your current system.
Thank you all for help..
I have decided to go for schiit modi 3
On youtube review by john darko was help too

I don't have anyone to bring from us
Headphone zone ...its out of stock ..but they are saying it will take about 2 months cause there is company back log.
1)On "ubuy" its available..are they trust worthy ?
2) if i buy from official website.
They have promised me to get it delivered but they said customs i have to take care on my end ( what does it mean do i have to go anywhere or delivery guy is gonna ask me for money or its online )

Allo makes add on cards which is a dac but can't be use by itself. You need to connect it to the GPIO pins of the raspberry pi
so u mean rasberry pi is a streamer and allo is a dac?
both of em are chips /// how to keep em ? any casings are available
i adont have any body coming from us and aslo o website they are charging too much ..its doubles the cost... in other hand fulla 3 is available at same price in headphonezone has same dac chipset as in modi 3 ..but its smaller .. its not standallone it has small amp and its a gamming dac (but i wanna use it for music and improve sound quality over my laptop internal dac)..

cost is same... so can i buy fulla 3 instead of modi 3 ... are there any cons of fulla 3 over modi 3?
schiit fulla 3 vs schiit modi 3 vs fiio k3 vs fiio k5 pro ..... sound quality (dac) comparision ..(minus the amp)... what u say.. ?

in these 4 only vailable are fulla 3 and fiio k3
If you want to buy a new DAC then , proaudiohome ( stock few fiio products) and HiFiNage are places to look at. If you are ok with buying used ones you can keep a tab on the hifivision market thread and on facebook there is a group called Pre Loved Gear For Sale which has almost the entire portable/desktop audiophile community present
Yes for the last year I am trying to buy from headphone zone, they send me a notification for availability but at the time of buying out of stock.
Hi if u like DIY DAC try prodigy FM DIY DAC which high quality DAC & very clean sourcing. try connecting him that is equally branded DAC of 1.5 to 2L costing..
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.