How to connect Equalizer to Stereo Amp?

Try this one available at most Pro audio stores.

Behringer FBQ6200 stereo graphic equalizer

Does it make you happy with all the lights, or doesit put you in a mood for more?

I'm sure the guy at the store will try and talk you out of the Buy because your problem lies elsewhere I'm sure

I auditioned some local (pulz) amplifiers at a pro audio store near me and the pre+amp cost around 15K but had sound no AVR could match.

They sell like hot cakes.

If you dont want it just for looks try this..



I heard the Pulz amps at Pro Musicals at Egmore, Chennai.:yahoo:

This was about 3 years back.

At that time they were displaying and demonstrating a lot of products.

Now I have to tell them in advance if I want to hear anything in particular.

But their offers are pretty good.


I heard the Pulz amps at Pro Musicals at Egmore, Chennai.:yahoo:

I know Pro Musicals well. I heard Pulz have their own demo room in Chennai, and I was wondering if you have any details. I contacted someone a few years ago, and they were always evasive. They also claimed their office caught fire or something and that they could not demonstrate.

I had visited Pulz in Mumbai and spent some lovely time with the owner. He had demoed some superb products including some lovely bookshelf speakers as well as new pre and power amplifiers. Never heard of them after that,

Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.