How to increase speed of Philips 242 Motor?

May 22, 2022

How can I increase the speed of Philips 242 Motor? Does it have a similar system like the 533? If not, then what is the proper procedure?

Please guide me in details.

Kind Regards
The GA 242 has a small DC motor controlled by an electronic circuit. There are two potentiometers on this board to make speed corrections. Please get it done professionally as these tt's are very old and there may be other issues such as capacitors going out of spec. Also there are two belts which may require replacement. This is a fine tt.
For belt drive decks, they usually run slow due to:
  • incorrect motor pulley size (perhaps the deck was designed for 110v 60 Hz operation)
  • replacement belt is too tight or belt has stretched slightly (causing it to slip due to oversize)
  • if present, issues with the motor speed control (caps, presets, pitch control, etc)
if you are adjusting the preset an easy way to do this would be to keep an eye on the number of revolutions per minute, either using a downloadable app on your mobile or by just sticking a small piece of tape to an old record, placing it on the platter, turning the deck on and manually counting the number of times, the sticker passes any fixed point, for a minute. You will have to do this separately for 33 and 45 speeds (there should be separate presets for the 2 speeds)
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