How well can you hear audio quality ?

Ha ha... the comment

Many listeners cannot hear the difference between uncompressed audio files and MP3s

You'd be riled (or at the very least trolled) to death on a forum like CA for such a statement. How dare you that you don't have golden ears like the fanboys at CA... or more than likely your system ain't resolving enough.

But that said I can quite easily make out the difference between MP3 and FLAC/Audio CDs. At least that's true for most MP3s. Some MP3s are however very nicely done, especially in VBR and if the music itself does not have much of a dynamic range then it might be impossible to tell the difference... but as long as there is heft and depth to the music and decent dynamic range then it's quite easy to tell apart from an MP3 to a FLAC version.
In the Tajmahal tea TV ads, i have seen a guy tasting different kinds of teas to arrive at the best one. He finally like one and tells this is the best. Such are the nature of any sense organ.
Hi res or not is moot if the recordings are bad. Good recordings, equipment and lossless playback are at a minimum requirement for good sound.
You can most definitely hear the difference if the recording is good. If the original music is good with a good dynamic range, compression of any kind will reduce it in some way which is clearly audible compared to the original. If your original is already compressed then it will be harder to tell the difference. Say you have 4k tv playing a 4k movie and you take a picture of that on you DSLR at various resolutions from 640x480 then 1024 then at 2k, 4k you will actually see that the pictures ln the dslr getting clearer. But if you do the same with the 4k tv displyaing SD tata sky content you will insist that there is no change in image qulaity from 640x480 to 4k. This is what most people mean when they say they cannot tell the difference.

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