HP has
NOT discontinued webOS. They have only announced their intention to get out of the consumer hardware business, that includes Tablets and Cellphones business. In other words they will simply no longer make the hardfware themselves but will continue the support for webOS and hardware for it will be made by other licensees. Similiar to how Android phones and tablets are made.
Good luck with finding a TouchPad at that price, they are sold out at almost most places. I have been a webOS user for almost two years and I assure you there is no other operating system like it. I use the Pre+ as my primary phone and I also have a 32GB TouchPad that I bought for $641.99 last month.
PS: I have bought ONE 32GB ($165) and THREE 16GB ($130) Touchpads in the current clearance sale. Now I just have to figure out how to get them to India.
I am also looking to buy the Pre 3 from UK.