Hi Soulforged,
Yes, we were aware of the e5/e3, but didn't order it, because this earphone is mainly for the Ipod Nano of my son.
Hi Sri and all others interested,
The earphones (RE2) were delivered yesterday. There was a goof up on Lynx's part. Initially our RE2 went to some customer in Dehradun, and we received last Tuesday the stuff meant for the dehradun customer. Now it is all sorted out.
First impressions (before any or appreciable burn-in):
1) Way way better than the stock earphone that comes with the Ipod.
2) Without an amp, with Ipod as source (that is, directly hooked on to the Ipod), the sound can get much much louder than what is desirable.
3) The sound is very very detailed. Separation of all instruments is very good. The bass is a bit underwhelming at the moment. But reports say that it needs a burn-in of about 50 hours. After that the bass improves. Some also say that the bass will never be really boom boom. But for us, who are into softer versions of music, it's never a problem. Actually I found the bass from tabla was already satisfactory for me. But for people who want the slam, I'll have to report back after they break in. Of course I 'll need to find some music with some slam.
4) My son told me most of his music are kind of medium quality in terms of kbps, some are higher quality. I was actually worried about this part too. If it was too revealing, matching with an Ipod (which will mostly have music in some lossy formats) may not be ideal. From whatever I have heard so far, it seems very good to me.
5) My son told me a very significant thing: He said with the stock earphone sometimes it was bit too bright and as a result a bit painful for the ears. With this one, even before a break-in, that does not happen. After a listen of about 15 minutes this morning on the RE2, I switched back to the stock ones, I found the music to be very edgy, thin, and as if full of sibilence.
6) Although reports say they are not fully noise-isolating, I found them very isolating. In fact this morning when I was listening, my wife and our son were speaking to each other just a feet away from me, and I did not hear anything. One should not be out in the streets wearing these then.