You have stressed this enough number of times. No need to dig all of my old posts and write the same thing over and over again.
The only reason I ask this question again, is because you keep suggesting to people to be wary of the size. Honestly, a 50" TV is not a large TV, ie. unless one is only used to watching really small TVs.
Not everyone can see movies on a 106" screen from 11 feet. Worse if it were a TV. Screens are pretty easy on your eyes compared to TV.
Have you ever seen a movie on a 106" screen from 11 feet? Believe me it is not an issue for anyone. Out of the many people who have seen my setup, not a single person to date, has complained about the screen being too large, or them having any issues watching a movie. As for TVs being stressfull on the eyes, the scientific fact is that if your eyes feel stressed while watching TV, then either you have your brightness level set too high or are watching a CRT TV with a poor refresh rate, ie. lower than 100hz. Since, refresh rate is not an issue with either Plasma or LCD TVs, that only leaves the brightness level which could cause stress. The scientific reason why on old CRT TVs, people complained of eye stress when sitting too close, is that the refresh rate used to be 50hz, the lower refresh rate would make the picture appear to flicker and would thus cause a strain on the eyes. By moving back, you would increase the area of focus for your eyes and thus there would be less stress. This problem was to a great extent resolved by the higher end, 100hz CRT TVs. In any case, with Plasmas and LCDs, this is not an issue at all and this just remains as a myth. Thus, if you have the brightness level on your Plasma/LCD set correctly, there should be no issues with eye stress. If anything, instead of a larger size causing eye strain, a smaller size TV is more likely to cause strain on the eyes.
PS: I sit for hours on end, at times for 7-8 hrs at a stretch and no more than 2 to 2 1/2 feet in front of my 24" PC monitor and have never felt any eye strain. But I do remember, back in 1994, getting severe eye strain from sitting at the same distance, for even half an hour to an hour, before a 14" CRT monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate. In fact even now, when I vist people's offices and I come across a CRT monitor, the first thing I do is set the highest refresh rate the monitor can support, to make the flicker that causes eye strain, go away. You will be surprised how many people have their monitors still running at 60hz, inspite of their hardware supporting refresh rates as high as 120hz or at the very least 85hz.
I still require 12' for DTH on 50" but people can be more accomodative.
On a personal level you are obviously free to prefer whatever size/distance you care to. But to suggest the same to others, there ought ot be some semblence of scientific reasoning to it. I hope, you do realize, that at a distance of 12 feet from a 50" monitor, according to scientifically proven 'visual acuity' parameters of the human eye, you will have almost zero benefit of a FULL HD (1920x1080) resolution. Thus, you would be wasting good money on FULL HD and a HD Ready TV would give you the same picture at that distance, atleast as far as resolution is concerned.