Indian Cheapness

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Priests don't live in penury and they certainly don't deserve any money for what they do.

I am little confused by this statement. Why should priests do anything for free? They also have mouths to feed, families to look after, and children to grow, don't they?

Why should ANYONE do anything for free?

Yep, under the Temple Empowerment Act, about 34,000 temples are under government control. Only 18% of the revenue of these temples is said to be given back for temple purposes, while the remaining 82% is used for other things by the government at their discretion.

Since you are yet another brain-washed and ill-literate modern English speaking Indian as to be happy about this, I will post in part some seriously off-topic data here:

The Tirumala-Tirupati collects overRs. 3,100 crores (tens of millions) every year, and the state government has not denied the charge that as much as 85% of this is transferred to the state exchequer, much of which goes to causes that are not connected with the Hindu community

In Karnataka, for example, in 2003, as reported by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and in India Today, 79 crores ($790,000,000) was collected from about two lakh (200,000) temples. From that, temples received 7 crores ($70,000,000) for their maintenance, Muslim Madrassas and the Haj subsidy (for trip to Mecca) was given 59 crores, and churches about 13 crores. Because of tactics like this, twenty-five percent of the two lakh temples i.e., about 50,000 in Karnataka, will be closed down for lack of resources

Now sing and dance and rejoice!! :ohyeah::rolleyes:


:lol::lol: Yada Yada Yada from the gutter
Absolutely...there is nothing which comes free of cost.

This is a common blind belief that Priest are very close to God, and some even consider them as God !!
priests are ordinary people, learned/trained to do poojas/mantra etc. and that is their profession.. so there is every right for them to earn and live like people in any other maximize the earnings.

I am little confused by this statement. Why should priests do anything for free? They also have mouths to feed, families to look after, and children to grow, don't they?

Why should ANYONE do anything for free?

Yep, under the Temple Empowerment Act, about 34,000 temples are under government control. Only 18% of the revenue of these temples is said to be given back for temple purposes, while the remaining 82% is used for other things by the government at their discretion.
Why do these temples need even the 18%? What a waste of money.

Since you are yet another brain-washed and ill-literate modern English speaking Indian as to be happy about this
I am sure atleast god knows who is the brain-washed here. Also, if your idea of litteracy is to believe in thousands of years old hypocratic and retarded practices, then I am happy being ill-literate.

The Tirumala-Tirupati collects over Rs. 3,100 crores (tens of millions) every year, and the state government has not denied the charge that as much as 85% of this is transferred to the state exchequer, much of which goes to causes that are not connected with the Hindu community
So what you care about, is one group of people, rather than god, or god's community, ie. humanity. I suppose that would be totally in line with the hypocrasy of organized religion. Personally, I don't give a damn about the Hindu community, or for that matter any other specific community. Therefore, as long as the money is put to use to improve the lives of people irrespective of their faith, I'm a happy camper.

In Karnataka, for example, in 2003, as reported by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and in India Today, 79 crores ($790,000,000) was collected from about two lakh (200,000) temples. From that, temples received 7 crores ($70,000,000) for their maintenance, Muslim Madrassas and the Haj subsidy (for trip to Mecca) was given 59 crores, and churches about 13 crores. Because of tactics like this, twenty-five percent of the two lakh temples i.e., about 50,000 in Karnataka, will be closed down for lack of resources

Now sing and dance and rejoice!! :ohyeah::rolleyes:

Like I am supposed to care what Sri Sri Sri Sri... whatever, says or thinks. Personally I would prefer, that not a single paisa be given to any religious cause. As for the closing down of temples, well considering that they are coming up in all corners of this country, actually even in the middle of the roads, at such an alarming rate, it is good that some will get closed down. Or else, all we will be left with, are buildings for psychophants to go to and make a fool of themselves and fill the pockets of corrupt priests and managements.

Now sing and dance and rejoice!! :ohyeah::rolleyes:

Closure of and thus reduction in numbers of any organized religious places, is definately, good reason to dance and rejoice.
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I am little confused by this statement. Why should priests do anything for free? They also have mouths to feed, families to look after, and children to grow, don't they?

Why should ANYONE do anything for free?

Well, as long as we are clear on the facts that they provide no real value to humanity or society, I don't care what they earn. Although, I do have issues with their role in continuing to promote thousands of years old superstitions and beliefs that are divisive of society in general.
read the Times of India ........police has convinced the person to pay Rs51,000/- as reward ....

source : Mumbai Edition - Page 2 - TOI
we do have differing perceptions on what religion is and the role organised religion plays in society ..........but the fact remains that this country is overwhelmingly religious .........hence its important to run these institutions in a professional manner ..........and u have to pay .........if you want future generations to take this up ...
That is our normal thought process, given our experience with the police, but these are trying times and it is the duty of the public to report to the authorities hoping the police do their part dutifully and not take things in your hand . What if it was a bomb and it exploded? You are endangering others too.
And the cops would have coolly confiscated the contents saying the owner was untraceable !!:)

Why do these temples need even the 18%? What a waste of money.

I am sure atleast god knows who is the brain-washed here. Also, if your idea of litteracy is to believe in thousands of years old hypocratic and retarded practices, then I am happy being ill-literate.

So what you care about, is one group of people, rather than god, or god's community, ie. humanity. I suppose that would be totally in line with the hypocrasy of organized religion. Personally, I don't give a damn about the Hindu community, or for that matter any other specific community. Therefore, as long as the money is put to use to improve the lives of people irrespective of their faith, I'm a happy camper.

Like I am supposed to care what Sri Sri Sri Sri... whatever, says or thinks. Personally I would prefer, that not a single paisa be given to any religious cause. As for the closing down of temples, well considering that they are coming up in all corners of this country, actually even in the middle of the roads, at such an alarming rate, it is good that some will get closed down. Or else, all we will be left with, are buildings for psychophants to go to and make a fool of themselves and fill the pockets of corrupt priests and managements.

Closure of and thus reduction in numbers of any organized religious places, is definately, good reason to dance and rejoice.

Thank you for your views. Good to know where you come from

Edit: PS: its not important .. lets switch back to the original thread
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Even in countries like uk,usa, govt funds the churches but only in India hindu temples are being used to fill govt coffers. Even in the most developed countries govt respects and gives due space for what you call hypocritic retarded practices of respective religions.

Why do these temples need even the 18%? What a waste of money.

I am sure atleast god knows who is the brain-washed here. Also, if your idea of litteracy is to believe in thousands of years old hypocratic and retarded practices, then I am happy being ill-literate.

It is true that even the developed countries give space but the magnitude of difference in India is anybodies guess, this is where among other things it is terribly wrong.


Even in countries like uk,usa, govt funds the churches but only in India hindu temples are being used to fill govt coffers. Even in the most developed countries govt respects and gives due space for what you call hypocritic retarded practices of respective religions.
i dont have a problem with the govt filling its coffers with the money being generated from the temples. My problem starts when this gets done only to hindus. Govt takes money from the hindus and gives it to charity. Why it does not take the same amount of money from them too. Why does it not manage mosques and churches too??? And the icing in the cake is that after that, they've got the audacity to call themselves secular.
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If this was done by an american, it would not be called as american cheapness
You cant generalize what one guy did to over a billion people. thats just not on.
Instead of highlighting the fact that the peon who makes about 200/- a day returned goods worth 27,00,000, what gets highlighted is the guy who gives 100/-. This thread could've been called "Indian greatness".
Its exactly this negativity thats killing this country.

The point of starting this thread was to show that honesty and truth in India are not seen as something to emulate, nor something to respect. If the owner was actually grateful to the peon for what he did, then his immediate reaction would have been to give him some large amount as gratitude. Or, find out about his family, see if any of them need medical help,. Or try to get admission for his children in a good school, if the owner had friends in the school management...or....the list goes on.

What the owner instead did was, judge the peon by the standard of his work designation (a peon) and give him what would have been appropriate 'bakshish' for the 1980s era. The fact that the police later convinced him to give the peon Rs 51K does not change the inherent mindset of the owner. This is the point which disgusted me. And I think this kind of mentality (ratio of reward = 100/27L) happens only in India (and like-minded countries, our erstwhile neighbours). There is a distinct lack of respect for human values in general, lack of gratitude, lack of feeling for the fellow man. This I've noticed in many situations in my daily life. Indians are a selfish race for the most part, in India. They change quite a bit when they go abroad. Whether this is a generalisation or not, depends on how many experiences one has had of this sort, and how many other people have had such experiences. Stereotypes, after all, are formed on basis of observation of a large number of samples from a given race/country/population. That is why I put forth the question in my thread.

This is not to say Indians are not capable of great acts of selflessness, courage, and honesty. But, in daily life, what I've noticed is apathy, selfishness, and a "chalta hai" attitude. And it's not a coincidence that our political class exhibits exactly these values in abundance. A society inherits the politicians it deserves.
Even in countries like uk,usa, govt funds the churches but only in India hindu temples are being used to fill govt coffers. Even in the most developed countries govt respects and gives due space for what you call hypocritic retarded practices of respective religions.
You are rather misinformed, atleast as far as the US is concerned. The US government, as per their constitution, maintains a total separation of 'state' and 'religion' as should be the case in any secular country. Thus, the US government does not in any way support or even subsidize the church or any other religious institution. Unfortunately in India, like so many other aspects, our governement is secular in name only and you have them subsidizing and supporting Haj & Amarnath yatras. What a waste in a country where the resources could be used for so many better uses.

As for Hindu temples being used to fill government coffers, since most of these temples are ancient and thus don't belong to any individual or private organization, by default they are owned by the government. Thus, they have every right to the funds generated by these temples. If you don't wish your money to go tot the government, don't give money to these temples. Simple enough, I would think. Also unlike churches and mosques, most temples built in iNdia in the last twenty five odd years, are built on public/government land. Thus, even funds form those temples should go to the governement. In any case what is your problem with the funds going to the government, after all the governement is not a private individual and it represents us all. As long as the money is spent on good causes and without discrimination, why should it bother you.

I do not want to discuss about the "generosity" of the owner, coz' I find it is worthless, especially in our forum.

I'm sure the owner would have or would read this thread one day, but I doubt he would ever realize what he had done.

Regarding the good soul, I would not want to look stupid discussing his legal right on a good reward as a "finder of lost goods," but I am sure he is living a happy and satisfactory life. Even finder of treasures which is worth more than Rs. 100 are eligible to get paid 10% of its value upon return of the treasure to the govn. authorities.

I am sure only donkeys and animals can feed on papers, (maybe I am not aware that we can too feed on papers). How many of us have the guts to do that? I wish I had it. In my experience, only those who value their lives very much and give less emphasis to materialistic things are the gifted lot and are leading a perfect life. I often questioned myself about my pursuit to earn more, to make my lifestyle better and further making the life complicated. Man makes his life complicated by trying to make his life better.

I am a strong believer in a theory (self-formulated) that God does not need us and so our contributions, temples, etc., and I feel, if one believes His existence, He would be pleased to see you help other human beings, just like this one. As a law of nature, one gets paid what he deserves somewhere, in some way, form or fashion. This has happened to me, where employees with my previous employer used to brood ever single day on their low salaries, but I strongly believed that as long as I am sincere to my work, I will definitely get what I deserve and it worked for me!

Yes, humanity exists and it will, regardless! I am definitely confident that this good soul will get himself paid at some point in his life and will lead a very happy life! A deaf cannot hear, dumb cannot speak, and likewise only a few can understand the very meaning of human life and humanity. If we dont understand or recognize that factor, we would be discussing it here in a AV forum, thanks to you all, and I dont know whether the good soul has access to internet or not, but he would be definitely recognized by a whole lot of people like us.

I hope every participant or reader of this thread makes every initiative to help others around you, especially the needy!

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i dont have a problem with the govt filling its coffers with the money being generated from the temples. My problem starts when this gets done only to hindus. Govt takes money from the hindus and gives it to charity.
Maybe instead of focussing on, where or who, the funds are generated from. You should focus on where the funds are spent. As long as the funds are being spent on a good cause and without discrimination, prejudice or bias, why would you have a problem? You have a problem with charity too? Or do you just think that only Hindus must be taken care of by the government? Bottom line is, if you don't want your money to go to governement coffers, then don't give money to these temples. Simple enough, I would think.
Why it does not take the same amount of money from them too. Why does it not manage mosques and churches too??? And the icing in the cake is that after that, they've got the balls to call themselves secular.
I'd rather not get into this, for it will become an endless debate. But in short, it has something to do with the fact that most churches and mosques are built on private land, whereas lots of temples due to their age and lots of them because they are illegal, are built on public/government land.
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