Indoor plants

Try the dwarf Bamboo varieties or Ponytail palm. They'll look awesome in the corners. If you're worried about mosquitoes, Citronella and Lemongrass are excellent repellents. Also have some Marigolds in the patio. You can have herbs like Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Basil on the kitchen counter and they also work as repellents.

Don't buy anything online, it'll cost you a lot. Visit the local nursery in your area. Support your local farmers and nurseries :)
I wonder how much they actually do/ work? Any folks try them out and chime in?
I wonder how much they actually do/ work? Any folks try them out and chime in?
No, they don't work on mosquitoes. Lemongrass gives aesthetic look for the room and apart from that it does not repeal mosquitos. Maybe you need a bunch of them or dozen of them to really check if it repeals mosquitoes. Good old mosquito bat is the only thing that kills them.
1) Snake plants can grow in any kind of soil. Needs less maintanance. Watering very small quantity once in a week. Just clean those leaves with soft wet cloth once in a month.
2) Dracena (the corn plant)
3) Aglonaema plants
No, they don't work on mosquitoes. Lemongrass gives aesthetic look for the room and apart from that it does not repeal mosquitos. Maybe you need a bunch of them or dozen of them to really check if it repeals mosquitoes. Good old mosquito bat is the only thing that kills them.
Any thoughts/ advise on this? -

I recall from a visit to Chennai years back was post sunset mosquito pain.
I have put Aloe vera and snake plants in my listening room. I hope they clean some air and a little bit of sound diffusion if any is a bonus.. Even if they do nothing of the above, they add to the room.. Once a week watering is good enough for them...
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