Interest check - Hifivision Chennai Meeting

Hi all, please can you pm me your watsapp number so i can add you all in the watsapp group opened for this purpose.
Thanks for the response. The first meet I was thinking to be more of an introduction and what gears and equipments we own or are willing to buy shortly. Also the challenges we faced and aiming to find solutions to common problems, offers and discounts going on currently. Such surface level stuff. We can graduate to complex topics later.

If you could PM me your numbers, I could create a watsapp group too.
I've sent you my no. Add to the group once you create it
Update on the Chennai Meet

Date 15th August
Time : 4.00 PM
Venue : Yet to decide
Participants : As of now confirmed 11, expect more to join
Update on the Chennai Meet

Date : August 15th
Time : 4.00 PM
Venue : Ragupati"s House [ Forum Member ], Thiruvanmiyur
Participants : As of now 15
Great to see this coming together!
Mr. Raghupati’s house may have an optimum number of people it can accommodate space wise. If you find and publish this you may end up with a waiting list :)
Still a month to go...right time for visiting FMs to start fasting to occupy lesser area and to squeeze more members.;)
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