Is AV Receiver good for Music ?

Pricing is a loose way of defining this. But I would go by what each companies offerings are.
Eg. An entry level amp from say Luxman may be many times more than say the top-of-line from say Denon

HT bypass is a nice feature to have, if you are willing to explore this. It will cost more as a complete solution.

As many FMs have suggested try out a few AVR-speaker combinations also some IA-speaker combinations.
Then pick what sounds good to you and within your budget that would meet your usage and expectations.
Be open to used gear too. There are some nice deals that pop on the forum or outside that may click.
I have bought a lot of my gear that were used/demo/clearance items.


I welcome your input raghupb

As many FMs have suggested try out a few AVR-speaker combinations also some IA-speaker combinations.

As you stated above, hope I will be visiting FM (srinisundar) from Chennai, where already he has invited to listen to his setup of 2.1, 2.2 with AMP and 7.2, with AVR, with the same speakers for music and movie

That could give me some better understanding
Gracious of FM @srinisundar to invite you home for a sit down and listen.
I always find visiting local FM's homes and listening to their setups educational.
It is good to have a "talk shop" session with an end user rather than a dealer.
Enjoy your audition. Hope that it brings about some clarity to your doubts.

Only concern about hifimart, as I'm even new to this Forum - after sales, about service requirements in future

Hope products are authentic/original
Hifimart is authorised online seller for all products . Same warranty applicable as you buy in stores..

People who has bought in Hifimart can tell about their after sales & service experience.
The resultant decision is not merely going to be a matter of what is perceived as better here, will be a resultant of budget and your preference. You have made your preference clear but budget is also important depending on the speaker.

Assuming you are willing to invest in future towards a stereo setup I would recommend following steps

i) A 5.1 setup with AVR is worth getting at any point of time if you are going to watch even one movie a week or more , this is simply more engaging and all contents support 5.1 or beyond. The AVR will do fine for stereo listening too
To start with get an AVR with pre-outs ( depending on your budget you will need to go for the respective options, Marantz NR1509/1609 is the lowest level where you will have pre-outs for fronts / At next budget you have Marantz SR5015, Yahama offerings / At slightly higher budget Denon X3700H/Marantz SR6015 etc) . This will set you up for setting up a parallel/alternate stereo chain in an effective manner. Setup a 3.0/3.1 system to start with and get some budget surrounds/get some satellite speakers if possible.
By doing the above you are setting up a system which will do well for your 20% use case, will do just fine for the 80% music/stereo use case.

ii) You have 2 options here once you have setup your AVR HT setup,
- Going seperates for stereo which basically means having seperate components for as many function as possible (Source/+DAC, Preamp , Poweramp) or getting an All in One (DAC+Streamer+ Preamp + Poweramp in single box) or
- Integrated Amp ( can include everything other than streaming, or might just be an amplifier needing a seperate DAC). I will not dwelve into which sounds better and which does not , you will find many threads to read and as per your budget/aesthetic preference go for one accordingly.
Try borrowing some integrated amplifiers from fellow members in Chennai or get an used one in budget so that you can try and pass it on in future for another member who is trying to experience the same, use it with your speakers and see if it makes a difference. Since you would have used AVR for a good period , you will be able to make an informed choice on whether the stereo amplifier benefits your system. If it does jump in this rabbit hole , else continue using the AVR as your main unit for music listening too :)

Coming to personal preferences I find myself leaning towards separates the most as it gives the flexibility to experiment and play around and also performance offered IMO felt superior to other alternatives I tried in a similar budget. However you will find equally opposite opinions too, so making sure you try out these yourself before delving deeper is the only way to be sure in this hobby.
Gracious of FM @srinisundar to invite you home for a sit down and listen.
I always find visiting local FM's homes and listening to their setups educational.
It is good to have a "talk shop" session with an end user rather than a dealer.
Enjoy your audition. Hope that it brings about some clarity to your doubts.

Yes, I'm thankful for @srinisundar for his invite and agree with you

Believe such meeting with FMs will help a lot
@SiR ,
Interesting thread.
This whole stereo thing is quite debatable. We all here have our own way of looking into things and how we want our music to sound to us. This the way how we want to connect with artists we like.
I too started off with AVR and my preference too was 75% music and 25% movies and so on. I did live with the AVR’s for a long time and I did enjoy music to the fullest everytime. Had no regrets and it kept me really happy.
Eventually I moved away from AvR and went with separates and I understood what a good set of equipments can bring in to the table. One gets the flexibility to choose what power amp you need, which pre amp, Dac’s and streamers and so on. While an IA does good for music, it does not mean an AVR will not.
The difference between music on an entry level IA and an entry level AVR is a good difference but not a lot. But when you you compare a high end avr to a high end IA then the difference is a lot. A dedicated IA will be nicer in my opinion.
AVR is good. If you are wanting to go for something like the 3700 or Marantz 6xxx they do fairly well for both. For critical stereo listening I will still put my money on separates rather going in for an Integrated Amp.
These are just my thoughts on how I look at it. Every single component in a separates will add its benefits and it all depends to what extent one wants to get into.

@SiR ,
Interesting thread.
This whole stereo thing is quite debatable. We all here have our own way of looking into things and how we want our music to sound to us. This the way how we want to connect with artists we like.
I too started off with AVR and my preference too was 75% music and 25% movies and so on. I did live with the AVR’s for a long time and I did enjoy music to the fullest everytime. Had no regrets and it kept me really happy.
Eventually I moved away from AvR and went with separates and I understood what a good set of equipments can bring in to the table. One gets the flexibility to choose what power amp you need, which pre amp, Dac’s and streamers and so on. While an IA does good for music, it does not mean an AVR will not.
The difference between music on an entry level IA and an entry level AVR is a good difference but not a lot. But when you you compare a high end avr to a high end IA then the difference is a lot. A dedicated IA will be nicer in my opinion.
AVR is good. If you are wanting to go for something like the 3700 or Marantz 6xxx they do fairly well for both. For critical stereo listening I will still put my money on separates rather going in for an Integrated Amp.
These are just my thoughts on how I look at it. Every single component in a separates will add its benefits and it all depends to what extent one wants to get into.

Thanks for your input Som

I've seen few of your posts in other Threads and understood you have good interest and knowledge on hifi components

Few of the internal parts of the hifi components that you and other FM's discuss here is new to me and I'm curious to know about it

At times, I start to explore it and other related components and even thought to consider DIY but still not convinced

Will consider your above inputs, as the same was given by other FM's too

Thanks for your input Som

I've seen few of your posts in other Threads and understood you have good interest and knowledge on hifi components

Few of the internal parts of the hifi components that you and other FM's discuss here is new to me and I'm curious to know about it

At times, I start to explore it and other related components and even thought to consider DIY but still not convinced

Will consider your above inputs, as the same was given by other FM's too

I have a set of reasonable equipment (i.e. not too high end, not rock bottom either - i.e. not so bad so as to act as a major limiting factor)
a) Integrated (PM17 SA - Class AB, XLS2502 - class D)
b) AVR (SR6010, X3500)

If I were to be completely honest, I don’t think the latter compares unfavorably against the former on stereo audio.
I prefer disengaging the Sub for stereo playback via AVR (so thats a non variable).
And at moderate to moderately high listening levels (i.e. not more than 70db), It would be really difficult for me to tell, if at all, for a difference in the playback via AVR or IA

If I listen with rapt attention, maybe, just maybe, I may be able to.
But for everyday usage, I don’t think I can.

Perhaps the extra headroom on the IAs would help at 78db or more.
But If you were to ask me, the whole notion of reasonable quality AVRs being trash for stereo is either dated or at the very least, strongly exaggerated
I have a set of reasonable equipment (i.e. not too high end, not rock bottom either - i.e. not so bad so as to act as a major limiting factor)
a) Integrated (PM17 SA - Class AB, XLS2502 - class D)
b) AVR (SR6010, X3500)

If I were to be completely honest, I don’t think the latter compares unfavorably against the former on stereo audio.
I prefer disengaging the Sub for stereo playback via AVR (so thats a non variable).
And at moderate to moderately high listening levels (i.e. not more than 70db), It would be really difficult for me to tell, if at all, for a difference in the playback via AVR or IA

If I listen with rapt attention, maybe, just maybe, I may be able to.
But for everyday usage, I don’t think I can.

Perhaps the extra headroom on the IAs would help at 78db or more.
But If you were to ask me, the whole notion of reasonable quality AVRs being trash for stereo is either dated or at the very least, strongly exaggerated
I would concur with you regarding today's mid & high end avr's pertaining to stereo quality that they do sound good. We had the mid level integrated amps, Pioneer SA 740 & Kenwood KA 5050 years go. But The Marantz SR 8200 & SR 7011 was much better than them in stereo mode (speakers were different though).
I am not denying that IA is not better, but the mid & high end avr's are also good for stereo & have really improved by leaps & bounds over time.
Yes, I have not made any purchase

In Chennai, is there any Dealer only for stereo components ?
the audio people, AV Lounge, Decibels, Cressida AV (Budget stereo), Cinema Focus (Visit here first) and there are many more. Also there are resellers as well.

Friends, hope the above one will clear the doubt about using an AV Receiver for Music.

Further, with my personal experience during audition, two days back, listened to same tracks with both IA and AV Receiver, found music from AV receiver was enjoyable.

Of course with few tweaks in AV, was able to hear considerable differences.

Music was room filling (NOT Sound)

Before, I was confused whether to go for IA or AV for music, though yet not decided on it.

If anyone have experienced the same, pls give your inputs.

Hi SiR,
Been reading this thread for a while.
While there are some great points out there above, the only person who can decide is you.

An avr can, of course, play music as good as an amplified stereo set up, depending on circumstances.

Maybe, the only two parameters that matter would be: 1. The true (real world) sensitivity of the speaker, and 2. The true (real world) quality of the first watt of power.

Everything else is additional and incidental.

Hope you get the experience you want.

PS 1: am a noob myself.
PS 2: always consider your room first.
Hi SiR,
Been reading this thread for a while.
While there are some great points out there above, the only person who can decide is you.

An avr can, of course, play music as good as an amplified stereo set up, depending on circumstances.

Maybe, the only two parameters that matter would be: 1. The true (real world) sensitivity of the speaker, and 2. The true (real world) quality of the first watt of power.

Everything else is additional and incidental.

Hope you get the experience you want.

PS 1: am a noob myself.
PS 2: always consider your room first.
Thanks for the input Dear

Just for curiosity :

What is that The true (real world) sensitivity of the speaker and true (real world) quality of the first watt of power.

When you say, consider your room first,

- what to be considered or to do, if I'll be using my living room for hifi and HT setup

PS 1: am a noob myself.

I believe, no one can attain the status of knowing everything, but can still seek knowledge and experience, which is a continuous process
Hi SiR,

You could list your priority and take a decision accordingly.

1) If you have the budget and space in your rack and priority is only stereo listening, then a pre and power amp would make sense.

2) If you are on a budget and shortage of rack space and priority is only stereo, then an integrated amp would make more sense to keep things simple. If you need a subwoofer connection then there are some IA's which come with it.

3) If your priorities are music and movies, then a mid/high level avr would make more sense.
If your priorities are more towards music than movies, then sometime later buy an integrated amp for stereo listening and use it as a power amp with your avr for movies. Pls note that your avr should have preouts for this.

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Hi SiR,

You could list your priority and take a decision accordingly.

1) If you have the budget and space in your rack and priority is only stereo listening, then a pre and power amp would make sense.

2) If you are on a budget and shortage of rack space and priority is only stereo, then an integrated amp would make more sense to keep things simple. If you need a subwoofer connection then there are some IA's which come with it.

3) If your priorities are music and movies, then a mid/high level avr would make more sense.
If your priorities are more towards music than movies, then sometime later buy an integrated amp for stereo listening and use it as a power amp with your avr for movies. Pls note that your avr should have preouts for this.

Thanks for your input Nitin

Never felt any AVR good for music even I don't prefer a processor for that. The difference was very evident even with an entry level stereo amplifier. Dont just blindly follow those HT fan boys. They don't even have any kind of room treatment except the youthman who add some very recently. He was even not aware that room treatment is critical for good sound. That's the reason they like auro3d upmixing even for 2 channel music, they want sound from everywhere.
I totally second your opinion..
Hi SiR,

You could list your priority and take a decision accordingly.

1) If you have the budget and space in your rack and priority is only stereo listening, then a pre and power amp would make sense.

2) If you are on a budget and shortage of rack space and priority is only stereo, then an integrated amp would make more sense to keep things simple. If you need a subwoofer connection then there are some IA's which come with it.

3) If your priorities are music and movies, then a mid/high level avr would make more sense.
If your priorities are more towards music than movies, then sometime later buy an integrated amp for stereo listening and use it as a power amp with your avr for movies. Pls note that your avr should have preouts for this.


If high end AVR is to be considered, then selection of speakers too, is important

Few speakers in my list, as of now : Wharfedale 12.2 / 12.3 , Q Acoustic 3050i, Polk R500 / R200 , Dali Oberon 5

I'll try to take audition of these speakers, then decide on it

If any of FM's use these speakers for their Music/HT listening with AVR, can share your experience pls


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If high end AVR is to be considered, then selection of speakers too, is important

Few speakers in my list, as of now : Wharfedale 12.2 / 12.3 , Q Acoustic 3050i, Polk R500 / R200 , Dali Oberon 5

I'll try to take audition of these speakers, then decide on it

If any of FM's use these speakers for their Music/HT listening with AVR, can share your experience pls


I have the Wharfedale D225. My Marantz SR 7010 has no issues driving it to my satisfaction. I also have the Quad 12L2s and the Quad S2s. The Marantz SR 7010 drives them well enough for me to not feel the need to either insert an integrated or a power amp into the system. I do have two Crown XLS 2502s, putting out 1500 odd watts in bridged mode to my Quad SC center channel and the other to my subwoofer. The Crowns to the center channel is not at all required for me, but I am using it just because I have it.

Others mileage might vary as needs and expectations are different.

Right now, I am playing music through Tidal via Roon to my iFi Zen Dac, analog out to Marantz SR 7010.
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Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.