Is it possible to get 5.1 outputs directly from a desktop without using a receiver?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Vijayangar, Bangalore

On the first floor I got a TV+desktop combo for my kids. When playing PC games, I want them to get full 5.1 sound (currently sound is off TV speakers) but dont want to spend money on a receiver. Was wondering by using something like below or its equivalent, can I get a decent 5.1 setup for less than 10K. I am hoping such a setup will be better than a 10K soundbar??

Any other cheap suggestions u got for kids who are not that much discerning about the quality - I just want them them to get surround sound. Currently when they play Rise of Tomb Raider on my ground floor home theater setup....the sound affects are pretty impressive.

Other option I got is the Xiaomi sound bar for under 5K..while the reviews are good..not sure if it can match up to a cheap 5.1 setup
the PC motherboard should already have the 5.1 or 7.1 pre-outs/optical/hdmi outs . You could just add the 5.1 speaker systems( can be any Multimedia speakers or the HT speakers systems ) - 2.5K to 35+K ranges are available in the market. Lots of Multimedia speakers from like logitech ,Intex, philips ,F&D etc are available in your price bracket.
When you say desktop, is it by any chance Intel based NUC or something similar? Those PCs will only have an HDMI out. Traditional desktop motherboards will have analog 5.1 outputs. Please check the following link.

If possible share a picture of the connection options available in your PC.

Also which speakers are you trying to connect with?
I am using multichannel direct from pc analogue out . Check for three or six 3.5mm sockets on the back panel of pc . You can directly plug any 5.1 computer speakers to it . Or if you can DIY you will get 5.1 amp boards for less than 2k on ali express . Get a power supply , box ,few speakers you can make one yourself

On the first floor I got a TV+desktop combo for my kids. When playing PC games, I want them to get full 5.1 sound (currently sound is off TV speakers) but dont want to spend money on a receiver. Was wondering by using something like below or its equivalent, can I get a decent 5.1 setup for less than 10K. I am hoping such a setup will be better than a 10K soundbar??

Any other cheap suggestions u got for kids who are not that much discerning about the quality - I just want them them to get surround sound. Currently when they play Rise of Tomb Raider on my ground floor home theater setup....the sound affects are pretty impressive.

Other option I got is the Xiaomi sound bar for under 5K..while the reviews are good..not sure if it can match up to a cheap 5.1 setup

About this particular product, in the Q&A section it specifically says it needs an amplifier. The outputs are only line outs. BUT... I remember seeing some 10W/20W class-D chinese 5 channel amps on internet that can do the job for a very low cost.

HOWEVER -- if you have any need for a basic 5.1 receiver, I have one lying around unused for ages (Yamaha RXV 765) and willing to part with it for nominal cost. I stay in Bangalore too, you are welcome to have a listen. PM for details.
Currently when they play Rise of Tomb Raider on my ground floor home theater setup....the sound affects are pretty impressive.

Do not expect a similar result with a computer grade speaker system. They are most suitable for close range applications, not a large room area. Even the top of the line Logitech 5.1 speaker system falls short compared to a basic receiver home theater set up. It is more bass bloat than anything else. You will also have to deal with wire clutter.

While I am not for promoting sound bars, it seems the best way to get better sound over a TV speaker, or, get a simple, quality, two channel powered speaker set up from Edifier or similar brands.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.