Is there any LCD having most of these features.


New Member
Nov 28, 2010
Hello all,

Was thinking of most practicle LCD tv for a budget oriented buyers. And then realized that what I interprete as PRACTICLE lcd for self might be practicle for others too. Hence starting a new thread. Mods, plz merge this with any existing thread if any.

1. Size 40-42 inch.

2. 99% usage for Saas Bahu type soaps on local Cable wala's STB. Hence is it safe to assume an HD raedy tv?

3. Already have USB compatible DVD player / HTS. Hence USB support not must. can live w/o USB on LCD itself.

4. Capable of delivering GOOD viewing experience with HTS using rented DVDs or using USB of HTS. Essentailly good black levels and brightness required, good colour production required.

5. Since already have HTS, no need of woofers etc.

6. Good serive support, longer the warranty better it is.

7. Practicable good connectivity for devices like miniDV, gaming etc.
8. 120Hz or truemotion whatever it is called if it is going to be must for watching fast games like CRICKET or lawn tennis.

The whole point is every additional feature adds to costs. Why pay for the features that are not really essential.

I understand that tvs are standard products and hence it is difficult to find exactly what one wants in a tv still I hope many knowledgeable people here can suggest some good models which go very close to the above requirements.

Thnx raja,

In another thread,' what happens if HD content is played on HD ready TV?' i have mentioned that i have shortlisted 3 of above 4 suggested models.
I w'd take a better look into Philips. Currently I own a 29inch Philips CRT, Philps HTS, Philps radio etc. We are Philips follower family.
However with LCD i was not too keen on them. Purely for the reason that they don't adertize much. Hence pros / cons are not largely know like other models.
Also I was told by Arena guy that now LCDs etc of Philps are actually under Videocon. Hence i thought there w'd be service issues. Otherwise Philips service centre is stones throw from my home.

Kindly lemme know reviews of good Philps LCDs. Any chance of getting an international warranty on Philips bought in Dubai?

In the mean time I will dig the net to find more abt your mentioned model and 42PFL5609.

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