LG 43UJ752T Review

Found the following review/video quite interesting - repeat of what a lot of HE-MAN mentioned as part of features of the TV, but nonetheless a video seems more hands-on.


I am gradually venturing towards the LG (over Sony X82E and Panny E600D) and should make the decision after testing some 4K/UHD content (x265, mkv formats). HE-MAN any feedback on the types of format supported native by the TV and whether we can install apps such as VLC to run additional formats?
It did play all the format I had, however there were two times where it gave error "sound is not supported on this file" it played without audio smoothly. I presume it was the way the audio was encoded since it was a certain "ahem" copy of a movie.
Going with the sony as there is no dolby vision contents til date anf by hearing lg i get a second thought thats why
Dhaval did you make your decision - I am in a similar boat looking for 49" model - between LG49UJ752T vs Sony X8200E vs Panasonic TH49EX600D
Heman dolby vision needs 4000 nits and no other panel is even close to it so you will never vet a true dolby vision this is what a cheap brand does i am happy with the sony
Heman dolby vision needs 4000 nits and no other panel is even close to it so you will never vet a true dolby vision this is what a cheap brand does i am happy with the sony

Dude are you high stop posting stupid stuff and do some research how HDR formats work. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. If you happy with Sony but that or whatever you think is better.
Admins please have a look at this thread and what this guy is asking, then suggesting totally off topic.
Thanks for the post HE-MAN. :)
I am new to HIFI-Vision and I wish I was here earlier. Just two days back I burnt 21.5K for VU 43' FULL HD tv and Man it looks awful. Even FHD content does not look like 1080P. I have a DELL U2414H FHD monitor and the new TV's pic quality is not even 50% of my monitor's. I agree that we do get what we pay for(lesson learnt. I was looking for their 43 uhd model and since it went out of stock I went for the FULL HD. Not sure their uhd would have been a good option as well). Propbably people who have never seen FULL HD before might find the VU tvs good. I have also connected external speakers and it is always giving some irritating humming noice.

Can i return the VU tv that i bought from flipkart and get the refund? (I cannot imagine watching this tv for another year or two) any ideas on this greatly appreciated. will they refuse ?

I would like to go for this model LG 43UJ752T. I am not a gamer. I watch lot of movies from netflix, amazon and youtube and I have tatasaky HD mainly for sports. I also watch movies from the dard drive(poor man's NAS) connected to my router. would this tv be a good option for me?
Does this TV also support 4K tv playback via USB? I think it has only USB 2.0 ports .will this be an issue?

I also see this model is available in PAYTM MALL for a good deal. Is it good to buy the TV there? I have never purchased any big item on paytm before.

Sorry for lot of questions guys. I am in a hurry since I have to return this tv asap.

Thanks a lot in advance .
Thanks for the post HE-MAN. :)
I am new to HIFI-Vision and I wish I was here earlier. Just two days back I burnt 21.5K for VU 43' FULL HD tv and Man it looks awful. Even FHD content does not look like 1080P. I have a DELL U2414H FHD monitor and the new TV's pic quality is not even 50% of my monitor's. I agree that we do get what we pay for(lesson learnt. I was looking for their 43 uhd model and since it went out of stock I went for the FULL HD. Not sure their uhd would have been a good option as well). Propbably people who have never seen FULL HD before might find the VU tvs good. I have also connected external speakers and it is always giving some irritating humming noice.

Can i return the VU tv that i bought from flipkart and get the refund? (I cannot imagine watching this tv for another year or two) any ideas on this greatly appreciated. will they refuse ?

I would like to go for this model LG 43UJ752T. I am not a gamer. I watch lot of movies from netflix, amazon and youtube and I have tatasaky HD mainly for sports. I also watch movies from the dard drive(poor man's NAS) connected to my router. would this tv be a good option for me?
Does this TV also support 4K tv playback via USB? I think it has only USB 2.0 ports .will this be an issue?

I also see this model is available in PAYTM MALL for a good deal. Is it good to buy the TV there? I have never purchased any big item on paytm before.

Sorry for lot of questions guys. I am in a hurry since I have to return this tv asap.

Thanks a lot in advance .

Yes you can return and get refund. However, they will send a engg to check what issue you have to confuse enough so that he thinks there's some problem. Best way to do that will check product information page and see what features are missing from the Tv unit. Most of the time they right incorrect info on product page.
when I watch Netflix or other videos that uses dolby vision the image is too dark. Anybody else facing this issue. Can somebody share HDR/DV picture settings.
Yes you can return and get refund. However, they will send a engg to check what issue you have to confuse enough so that he thinks there's some problem. Best way to do that will check product information page and see what features are missing from the Tv unit. Most of the time they right incorrect info on product page.

The service engineer did agree that there was an issue and flipkart policy says only replacement and I will be receiving a replacement . Service engineer told me that if the problem persists in the replacement then I would get a refund.

Other than screen size is there any difference between 43UJ752T and 49UJ752T?

and also does the 49SJ800T have 10 bit native panel? . Whats the difference between 49UJ and 49SJ models? The lg india website doesn't have technical details that I am looking for.
yes all new series have 10 bit native panel. One thing to remember is that this particular model does HDR average. HDR Peak brightness is not that high.
when I watch Netflix or other videos that uses dolby vision the image is too dark. Anybody else facing this issue. Can somebody share HDR/DV picture settings.

Dynamic contrast, dynamic color or whatever starts with dynamic should be
turned off.
HDR10/DV = VIVID settings
Black level set to low.
Gamma = Medium.
Leave control temp as it
Color Gamut = Wide
Led local Dimming = High
Sharpness = 30
Whatever I did not mention should be left at their default value. This Tv is average in HDR viewing to get the popping effect of HDR watch in complete darkness with some ambilight behind it.
yes all new series have 10 bit native panel. One thing to remember is that this particular model does HDR average. HDR Peak brightness is not that high.

All the new series do not have 10 bit native. I have confirmed that SJ850 has native 10 bit and UJ75 series has 10 bit processing only. I am not sure about SJ800 series though. Among all these only SJ85 series uses true RGB panel and everything else uses M+(RGBW) panel. Even SJ800 uses M+ panel only. Proably lot of users won't even notice the difference but I want a TV that ticks most boxes for the price.

I was about to get a good deal for 43UJ752T from a local delaer(68K + 7.5% cash back on hdfc cards) but I put off my decision to buy a tv this year. It looks like due to budget constraints I will be making lot of compromise on picture quality which I do not want to do. If all goes well, I should be able to increase my budget and buy a top end TV next year.
All the new series do not have 10 bit native. I have confirmed that SJ850 has native 10 bit and UJ75 series has 10 bit processing only. I am not sure about SJ800 series though. Among all these only SJ85 series uses true RGB panel and everything else uses M+(RGBW) panel. Even SJ800 uses M+ panel only. Proably lot of users won't even notice the difference but I want a TV that ticks most boxes for the price.

I was about to get a good deal for 43UJ752T from a local delaer(68K + 7.5% cash back on hdfc cards) but I put off my decision to buy a tv this year. It looks like due to budget constraints I will be making lot of compromise on picture quality which I do not want to do. If all goes well, I should be able to increase my budget and buy a top end TV next year.

RGBW part true but UJ752T is native 10 bit panel. No 8 bit dithering here. LG has been using RGBW for a while now and they have refined it. Personally I wasn't able to tell the difference even though I use it as monitor.
RGBW part true but UJ752T is native 10 bit panel. No 8 bit dithering here. LG has been using RGBW for a while now and they have refined it. Personally I wasn't able to tell the difference even though I use it as monitor.

I found out the color depth information from LG newzeland page since lg India doesn't have lot of technical details about the panel.
Please check this link The 55UJ752T 55 LG Super UHD 4K TV | LG Australia
It clearly says color depth is 10 bit processing for this model. If you check the SJ850, color depth is 10 bit native. Probably that's why the features list has this item "billion rich colors" for sj850 and not for uj752t?
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