Is this hobby worth the cost

An edited quote for Dead Poet Society :)

We listen to music in a HiFi sytem because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But music and movies on a great sounding system this is what we stay alive for :)
It is entirely a personal choice. Different individual spend differently which others feel is useless and worthless expense. Some may spend on clothes, mobiles or anything materialistic. Audio gears expenditure is actually not worth of what we spend as rarely we are able to take full advantage of the product before switching to next upgrade or technological change. For majority who see us it is a useless exp. But as I said earlier it is personal individualistic trait. It is only after deep introspection a person can realize and stop at some point but it never happens.
As an Audiophool, you are often odd man out. Money can be spent on so many things. Money can be save for an foreseeable expensive future. But, you have decided to spend that Money where 99% of people around you can't understand and you are odd man out. How do you stand your ground.

It's justified I guess. When you compare it to other costly hobbies. It gives maximum return of enjoyment per amount spent. Quality and long lasting enjoyment.

Spending is in ones own control and ability to keep to a budget is something which is an individual trait no matter what be the hobby/interest.
Can one put together a good setup under 50K? , of course but one needs to keep expectations in line with the budget , thats all.
Moved to a house (temprary small) and was looking for a cheaper temprary solution (audio). Got a portronics soundbar for 6k and really impresses with its bass and the extent of control over it.
Music lovers (a small but significant part of society) will anyway listen to music as a hobby to somehow relate to and expand the music playing or stored inside their head over their lifetime.Audiophiles are just making this experience more realistic by spending a significant amount of money to elevate this internal musical experience to another level , just like any other form of meditation. Who can argue with the money spent on the benefits of a highly refined individual meditative experience in terms of overall health benefits?
Can one put together a good setup under 50K? , of course but one needs to keep expectations in line with the budget , thats all.
And control the urge to constantly upgrade. Some of us justify it in different ways - one can only be their own judge on whether it is excessive. I’ve stayed with my first amp, speaker and streamer for 6-8 years now. But then I still use iPhone 11 and don’t feel the need to upgrade my Panasonic plasma from 12 years ago. It allows me to manage my budget, enabling me to effect a preferred work-life balance and consequently, more time to enjoy the music (and follow other interests). My ROI from the system benefits both from the (larger) numerator and the (smaller) denominator as a result.

But the equation could be different for someone else. The joy & satisfaction they get from upgrading might make the sacrifices for it worth. So I guess it also depends on what one wants from life, and not just the hobby.
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And control the urge to constantly upgrade. Some of us justify it in different ways - one can only be their own judge on whether it is excessive. I’ve stayed with my first amp, speaker and streamer for 6-8 years now. But then I still use iPhone 11 and don’t feel the need to upgrade my Panasonic plasma from 12 years ago. It allows me to manage my budget, enabling me to effect a preferred work-life balance and consequently, more time to enjoy the music (and follow other interests). My ROI from the system benefits both from the (larger) numerator and the (smaller) denominator as a result.

But the equation could be different for someone else. The joy & satisfaction they get from upgrading might make the sacrifices for it worth. So I guess it also depends on what one wants from life, and not just the hobby.
What is iphone 11, Iam using 6S 🙆‍♀️
You probably know this already, but once iOS18 is launched (later this month), iOS15, which is the last iOS version supported by iPhone 6s, would stop receiving security updates.
Yeah read that in the news. But not bothered one bit.

The iPhone 6S comes with the highest security ever. I forgot my phone in public a few times, only to find it returned very promptly. Cant say that about the 15 Pro max or ios18 can you :p
Yeah read that in the news. But not bothered one bit.

The iPhone 6S comes with the highest security ever. I forgot my phone in public a few times, only to find it returned very promptly. Cant say that about the 15 Pro max or ios18 can you :p
true iPhone 5s, 6, 6s, and 8plus, they are built to last forever. I still have an 8+ and 6 with me working perfectly after 8-9 years. no heating issues, not complaints in any hardware. I never went to the service centre, but newer models have a lot of issues software-wise and also hardware-wise.

Actually, if you can keep your iPhone without any OS updates, it is better. Every update they are reducing the quality of your cameras, so older models using customers will buy new phones. So basically, the updates are scams; they don't fix any bugs.
true iPhone 5s, 6, 6s, and 8plus, they are built to last forever. I still have an 8+ and 6 with me working perfectly after 8-9 years. no heating issues, not complaints in any hardware. I never went to the service centre, but newer models have a lot of issues software-wise and also hardware-wise.

Actually, if you can keep your iPhone without any OS updates, it is better. Every update they are reducing the quality of your cameras, so older models using customers will buy new phones. So basically, the updates are scams; they don't fix any bugs.
No wonder all my selfies on the 6S, look exactly like my aadhar card photo:oops:
No wonder all my selfies on the 6S, look exactly like my aadhar card photo:oops:
When I got 8 Plus that time, the videos were super stable, but after 2 updates they are shooting very shaking. Then I looked on the internet and found out they were reducing the camera quality.

You can check the internet. A lot of people have discussed it in some forums.
On a serious note, any hobby where you are spending beyond your means and is becoming detrimental to your financial and mental health, need to be put under close scrutiny. The key is to know if something beyond your means or not.

Most of the time, high end audio is just like any other expensive hobby. If you don't see ( hear ) the worth, then it is not worth it.
On a serious note, any hobby where you are spending beyond your means and is becoming detrimental to your financial and mental health, need to be put under close scrutiny. The key is to know if something beyond your means or not.
Very Much Bang on Point...

I don't know why Hobbyists everywhere, on the verge of retirement or seemingly disillusioned or disinterested with the hobby itself, have to create a Hullabaloo before they leave? They could exit silently...
(No offense meant to anyone, I've been observing this trend in few other hobbies and hobbyists that's why )
Finding a balance between spending on hobbies and saving for the future is critical. Hobbies provide enjoyment in life, but financial stability is equally important.Hobbies can also provide social connections and emotional benefits, thereby improving overall quality of life, even if they do not result in direct financial gain.
As long as the spending aligns with your values and financial situation, enjoying your hobbies can be a worthwhile investment in your happiness.
Very Much Bang on Point...

I don't know why Hobbyists everywhere, on the verge of retirement or seemingly disillusioned or disinterested with the hobby itself, have to create a Hullabaloo before they leave? They could exit silently...
(No offense meant to anyone, I've been observing this trend in few other hobbies and hobbyists that's why )
Aren’t you confusing moderation and self-restraint with disinterest/retirement? What’s wrong in them advocating what they believe in or practise? Even if someone is retiring and writes an entire thread on why he is retiring, it should have a place here. Not just that, if someone feels why this hobby should not be encouraged/practised at all, he should have a place to write about it here. After all, it is still related to the subject of the forum. It’s like an atheist having a place in a theosophical debate. It’s also a point of view on the subject. Retirement, aging and death - all are integral parts/stages of life. We can’t completely talk of life unless we also talk of death.
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Very Much Bang on Point...

I don't know why Hobbyists everywhere, on the verge of retirement or seemingly disillusioned or disinterested with the hobby itself, have to create a Hullabaloo before they leave? They could exit silently...
(No offense meant to anyone, I've been observing this trend in few other hobbies and hobbyists that's why )
Are you saying or implying that the OP is creating a hulla by creating this thread?

If no: how is what you wrote relevant to this thread? If you observed this in other hobbies and with their practioners then your opinion should be articulated there where it would be relevant.

If yes: I'd advise you to read the first post again. Where does he show any inclination to retire? Or where does he seem disillusioned/disinterested with the hobby? I don't see it at all. All he's asking is a simple and relevant question - how does one justify the spend of a lunatic fringe to the sane majority? :)
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