Isolation & Vibration Control - SoundFoundations

Do you hear any difference acoustically between the two?


Very [really] difficult to state;

These [German] products were used by me a few years back.

Then I changed over to Alto Extremo [Also German]
& then later went DIY [my own design - modification] & now I have the ones from Sound Foundations.

The Problem [difficulty] is that my audio set up too has changed;
The dCS is out & DAD is in - New Pre has come into the chain.
Computers have changed - 1 to 2 & now J Play etc.
Subs have been removed.

Therefore the bars on the goal post have moved - how do I come to a consensus with so many variables having changed.....

I would love to do an A / B - but the German Issolators etc. are no more with me - all are sold.
Therefore the bars on the goal post have moved - how do I come to a consensus with so many variables having changed.....

I would love to do an A / B - but the German Issolators etc. are no more with me - all are sold.

Oh Did not realize you don't have the FE cerabases. Apologies. I have a set of the FE ceraballs but there is no comparison between these.
Just setup my turntable with the Sound foundation isobase footers and a multi element platform.

Still to judge the sound quality - too early to tell that.
Some more feet were 'replaced'
Cones below the DAC - DAD [AX-24] were changed - new from Sound Foundations were installed.
Some pics are attached.
Hope they have come clear - I used a mobile phone to click....

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So now, I have the products below the DAC & the PRE.
The ones below the DAD looks very fancy. Are those ball based or plain cones? It's time to upgrade my Soundfoundations Cereballs which supports my turntable.
The ones below the DAD looks very fancy. Are those ball based or plain cones? It's time to upgrade my Soundfoundations Cereballs which supports my turntable.

I have no idea;
These are pure Sound Foundations Creations - In House design.
So best if Magma answers - Sorry;
Thanks for the compliments - I too liked the build & the F / F is good.:clapping:
Some more in Black [this time around]
They are to go below the computers - I have 8 of them.
The final change will be below the CC's [Amps] i.e.
They are the most difficult to replace - need a few hands to do it...

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These are just kept in front of the Pre.
However, the Pre gets the SS Compact Base.
Hello Ali. Nice pictures. A little confused by the nomenclature. May I ask, what are the ones under the CD player, in the picture above, called? and what are the ones under the Quad amp called please? Regards.
below the PMC - Cera base
below Quad power amp - cera base
between pre amp and DAC - cera ball
below pre amp and CDP - these are custom spikes with the cones facing upwards

however they are to be replaced with the Soundcare Solid brass spikes in a few days
and another new item similar to the Cera puc
Hi Ali
I am interested to know what advantages can one expect when we keep cerabase under the speaker when it's already being placed on a speaker stand

i rarely ever comment on any of my products
it is for you to use , hear and decide

however the cera base is widely used by B&W under its top end floorstanders
Tidal Also uses a product very simialr to the cerapuc under its speakers
Infact they use it under their standmounts ( i.e between the speakers and the stands)

im sure googling these brands will give you enough information as to why they have used them under their speakers

they will probably explain it better than i canm

heres a pic of them under the high end Focals as well

Hi ali
I willgo through the websites mentioned by you

What i wanted to know thay importance ofsuch footers in general when a well engineered speaker stand is already in use
Hi ali
What i wanted to know the importance of such footers in general when a well engineered speaker stand is already in use


The question is not addressed to me - yet I want to say a small bit, hope I am permitted;

The Speaker Stand serves several purposes;

It Provides the 'correct' height to the Loud Speaker [tweeter to ear level]

The Stand Should be strong & well built - so that it does not sway / ring / rattle etc. with the music, i.e. when the speaker is playing.

Now, where does a product like this come into play / use :-

The Cera Compact & products like this 'add' to the isolation.
Basically, the floor needs to be 'decoupled' from the stand & the stand needs to be 'decoupled' from the speaker.

Therefore there are 2 places where products like this can be used.

Bigger Isolation Devices below the Stand & Smaller Isolation Devices below the speaker.
All depends on the weight of the product that needs to be 'isolated' !

In fact the global trend is to use Still Points below the speakers - between the speaker feet & the ground / floor
Top end speakers have replaced their spikes with products like this.
I've also seen something similar with high end Sonus Faber speakers, though unfortunately I didnt look really closely at them. The speakers were Floor standers, and tilted a bit upwards.

The question is not addressed to me - yet I want to say a small bit, hope I am permitted;

The Speaker Stand serves several purposes;

It Provides the 'correct' height to the Loud Speaker [tweeter to ear level]

The Stand Should be strong & well built - so that it does not sway / ring / rattle etc. with the music, i.e. when the speaker is playing.

Now, where does a product like this come into play / use :-

The Cera Compact & products like this 'add' to the isolation.
Basically, the floor needs to be 'decoupled' from the stand & the stand needs to be 'decoupled' from the speaker.

Therefore there are 2 places where products like this can be used.

Bigger Isolation Devices below the Stand & Smaller Isolation Devices below the speaker.
All depends on the weight of the product that needs to be 'isolated' !

In fact the global trend is to use Still Points below the speakers - between the speaker feet & the ground / floor
Top end speakers have replaced their spikes with products like this.

Bhagwan Ji,
I should be the one who should address you as sir, not the other way around

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation.

is this a universal recommendation ?

what about speakers with recommended "open" stands like this..


This is not a 'universal' suggestion.
It has to be studied 'case to case' basis.
Below the Stand of the Epos is a 100 % yes.
However, between the stand & speaker - will have to try and see if it works or not.:cool:
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