JBL Synthesis write up

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Might be ok for facebook users, I suppose.
I have not been to La Kozy & hence not heard the JBL in India, but the Everest is a great Speaker.
My personal favorite in the range is the K2.
Heard them in HK & in Munich & I liked the sound.
Just that they need a big room to play to their potential.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank La Kozy - they have invested & imported products of this level & are offering live demo's - this is really brilliant.

I have not been, so I should not say, however, what 'panditji' has done is perfect - all FM's should go for a listen - take pics & post their opinions about what they have heard.

Forget the idea of buying, the idea should be to get exposed [to the sound] & form an opinion - based on ones own listening; just my humble suggestion...
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