I am still in dilemma if i need to upgrade my speakers

To make it more complicated, i had some experience with various components, now i am wondering if i should fix my sources or speakers for sound signature i am looking. I am appreciating the correct tone & timbre of instruments and transients and holographic presentation the most and of course resolution and clarity.
I am using Harbeth SHL5 (older version) with Mcintosh amps and Lumin X1 as dac and streamer. Many felt nice synergy is there and for me tone is good but never felts anything extraordinary. Harbeths SHL5 are known for exceptional timbre (as per many reviews. users) I could only occasionally get that magic in some combinations. So i was looking for speakers which can give the kind of sound i am looking for. JBL/ATC (and Klipsch) ticks in terms of dynamics, transient response etc, but invariably harbeths comes in top 3-5 recommendations in tone/timbre alone. My real world experiences are limited and its i am learning along

and most opinions are theoretical

from posts like this (
I happened to spend good amount of time with Chord Hugo TT2 dac with Lumin X1 as transport in my chain. Those familiar with Rob Watts and Chords DAC philosophy they have different take on building DAC (time-domain, preserving transients etc). Wow what a revelations for me the Chord was. Clarity is stunning,tone and timbre was exceptional (though felt inconsistent). I also happened to listen to Linn Organik (not in my chain) which has similar design philosophy (use of FPGA, focus on transients etc) which has stunning aspects of clarity, timbre etc. Both the dacs were superior to Lumin X1 (as DAC).
Still don't know where to go from here

. Getting new speakers will be be big change. Perhaps will explore chord for now.