Have you considered the idea of adding a power amp to the existing rxv685? It has front pre outs. Also try to fix the room acoustics. A great speaker can sound like crap in a bad room. Room correction can only help so much. Too many speakers in a small room also is a bad idea. A properly laid out 5.1 in a treated room can give you goosebumps.
Also try getting speakers with high sensitivity if you reconsider the whole plan and decides to stick with the existing gear.
Sky is the limit if you want to spend. And expensive stuff don't mean great sound. The devil is in the speaker placement and the room most of the time. You're will be very happy man if you can get those right.
Try getting a new sofa, a wall rug. Involve the spouse in the decision making if you're married. Make her feel like she is designing the home theatre. And give her full credit if your visitors admire your new HT setup.
It will help you in long run for future upgrades since your HT space is a living room.
You will get this year manifactured amp. Model 2023 I think for maranz 50. Check google.Many thanks for your inputs. No, I'm not married that's why able to enjoy life by buying my dreams things...Hehee....(-:
Yes, speaker placement is a good idea. Emotiva aren't higher in sensitivity?
Also, how difficult is it to claim warranty from Sound United for their products like Marantz & Denon Amp?
I'll checkout for the Wall Rug options though b'coz this being living room, foams to absorb sounds from the speakers cannot be pasted on the wall since my home will then look like a demo room...(-:
I think Pluto & Saturn is the limit for Home Theatre buyers...Heeee...(-:
I didn't think of Power Amp at this moment b'coz this amp being quite old - 2018 so want to get in a fresh piece.
I've heard upgrading the amp will bring a tremendous improvement in sound quality due to the latest amps such as Denon/Marantz offering much better-quality sound output due to its internal sound processing technology. Tonality will improve a lot!
By the way, in which year were these Amp manufactured:
Marantz Cinema 50
Marantz Cinema 60
Denon AVC-X3800H - 9.4 Channel 8K AV Receiver
Denon AVR-X2800H 7.2 Ch. 150W 8K AV Receiver
The Marantz Power Plug is a standard 5 amps one. You need to ensure the Electric Outlet is good and can provide enough current for the AVR. Typically Cinema 50 would be around 650watts - 710 watts of consumption. I use a SR6014 which is 9.2 channel (Somewhat like the Cinema 50) and plugged in a dedicated surge board.For Marantz Cinema 50, do I also need to change my main socket from present 5 Amps to 15 Amps?
If yes then, what about my Surge protector? Can I still plug it into the 15 Amps socket & continue to plug in TV, JBL 660P & Marantz Cinema 50 into the surge protector?
Won’t a 15 Amps power wall socket blow off my Sony OLED or JBL 660P Sub b’coz 15 Amps ideally is being used for Geyser, Fridge or Microwave.
If the electric socket is in proper order there will be no current leakages to the AVR or other sensitive electronic products which can fry it.A local service center for Yamaha Audio also suggested me to use HDMI connector protector like this…so as to avoid HDMI Current leakage.
Portable HDMI Surge Protector ESD Surge Protection - Pixelpitch
Novalink NLV-HP01 BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS This is an ultra low capacitance electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection device series of products. Single-wire ESD protection device that provides 0.5 picofarads (pF) capacitance and low clamping voltage. FEATURES This is an ultra low capacitance...pixelpitch.in
I now also feel that maybe I should move JBL 630 to rear (Surround) & buy new Emotiva Airmotiv B2+ - Bookshelf Speakers for the fronts.
Which between JBL & Emotiva do you all feel is the best for Fronts Left + Right in terms of sweet sounding detailed crystal clear sound quality when I listen to all the songs whether Hindi or English & experience best sound quality? And for background effects while watching an Action or Horror movie scenes?
And if I love the sound of Emotiva after listening to it on a 2-channel stereo for couple of hours then, I’ll buy this for the Front Heights - Emotiva Airmotiv XA2 - Height/Surround/Ceiling/Reflective Speakers - Pair
To get rid of your fears try starting from the end. AVR quality is a matter of lottery - hence check if there are any reliable service technicians in your city/town. Ideally these things are supposed to last but I remember getting some IC replaced in my Marantz AVR after a year of purchase. My Pioneer AVR required replacement of some circuit boards after 6 years. The Benq projector required mother board replacement after 3 years. The earlier Epson projector's lamp fused after 1 year of purchase. I could luckily find the fault and make repairs my self saving some 20k in the process. But to cut a long story short- the company will stand by you only for a year. Beyond that you need a reliable & knowledgeable repair guy. If you are lucky the equipment will last long but be prepared to spend some pennies here and there every once in a while. This hobby was never cheapRegards,
To get rid of your fears try starting from the end. AVR quality is a matter of lottery - hence check if there are any reliable service technicians in your city/town. Ideally these things are supposed to last but I remember getting some IC replaced in my Marantz AVR after a year of purchase. My Pioneer AVR required replacement of some circuit boards after 6 years. The Benq projector required mother board replacement after 3 years. The earlier Epson projector's lamp fused after 1 year of purchase. I could luckily find the fault and make repairs my self saving some 20k in the process. But to cut a long story short- the company will stand by you only for a year. Beyond that you need a reliable & knowledgeable repair guy. If you are lucky the equipment will last long but be prepared to spend some pennies here and there every once in a while. This hobby was never cheap![]()
Price of cinema 50 which 2.54 is mrp only. You will get good discounts on this. Before purchase i think you are more worrying about repairs.As per geeta krishna said "JAATASYA MARANAM DHRUVAM". Means person who borns must die that doesng meanz one should worry about birthYour last sentence is a golden line: “the company will stand by you only for a year”. It speaks so much. The thing is that one can spend money for once & then forget about it for next 7 to 8 years. But if this Marantz Cinema 50 doesn’t last for more then 2 to 3 years gives a huge bill of repairs then that’s where it’s a real shock in pain!
My Yamaha RX-V685 amp gave up itself on 25th August 2020 (2 years) from purchase date: September 2018, the reason was HDMI current leakage. So, luckily b’coz the cost of the amp itself was 50k so, I escaped with 11k in repair cost. Got it repaired. But again, in September 2021, the Audio 1 stopped to function. So, sent for repairs again. Ever since then, the amp now works fine but it failed for twice.
I feel it’s a gamble to buy an expensive amp above 2 lakhs.
Can you kindly guide the cost of each parts inside Marantz Cinema 50 so that I come to know cost of repairs in the future after a year.
Price of cinema 50 which 2.54 is mrp only. You will get good discounts on this. Before purchase i think you are more worrying about repairs.As per geeta krishna said "JAATASYA MARANAM DHRUVAM". Means person who borns must die that doesng meanz one should worry about birth. Just kidding. Iam sure There are many people in our group uskng avrs from last 4 to5 yrs with out any problem.
Check out the Integra DRX 3.4 - it’s 100W x 9 channels, all preouts, and most importantly has Dirac. It also comes with 18 months warranty instead of 12, and is the same price as Cinema60Your last sentence is a golden line: “the company will stand by you only for a year”. It speaks so much. The thing is that one can spend money for once & then forget about it for next 7 to 8 years. But if this Marantz Cinema 50 doesn’t last for more then 2 to 3 years gives a huge bill of repairs then that’s where it’s a real shock in pain!
My Yamaha RX-V685 amp gave up itself on 25th August 2020 (2 years) from purchase date: September 2018, the reason was HDMI current leakage. So, luckily b’coz the cost of the amp itself was 50k so, I escaped with 11k in repair cost. Got it repaired. But again, in September 2021, the Audio 1 stopped to function. So, sent for repairs again. Ever since then, the amp now works fine but it failed for twice.
I feel it’s a gamble to buy an expensive amp above 2 lakhs.
Can you kindly guide the cost of each parts inside Marantz Cinema 50 so that I come to know cost of repairs in the future after a year.
Check out the Integra DRX 3.4 - it’s 100W x 9 channels, all preouts, and most importantly has Dirac. It also comes with 18 months warranty instead of 12, and is the same price as Cinema60
They’re not made for Klipsch - they just have a mode that automatically sets crossovers if your speakers happen to be Klipsch. Integra is a very well regard brand from Japan, owned by Onkyo and now PAC, known for features and reliabilityThank you. I have emailed their support team to kindly share address of their authorized Dealer / Distributor in India. I checked the website of this product: https://integrahometheater.com/product/drx-3-4-9-2-channel-network-a-v-receiver/ & noticed this Amp is primarily made for Klipsch speakers. I don't like Klipsch speakers at all as once I had auditioned them & walked out within 5 to 10 seconds as they sound so pointed like a needle, harsh sound.
View attachment 85331
Hello All, finally got the switch board changed from 5 Amps to 16 Amps. It’s of Legrand - best brand.
The electrician said that Towers type buildings already have 1.5 Amp electric cables provided by the builder to support 15 Amps. Is that true?
I just talked to another electrician & he said that 1.5mm thickness electric wire behind these sockets are not sufficient to handle 16 Amps socket. I need to pull in 2.5MM electric wire from ELCB in my living room either from behind the wall or from outside.
It's all confusion. He said 16 Amps socket can be fixed anywhere but, it also needs a supporting 2.5MM thick electric cables.
If I continue with 1.5MM thick electric cable on a 16 Amps Legrand Socket then, what will happen?
You need to address this first . Don't go by the Electricians Guess work . Why would any Builder spend more and put extra gauge wire ? . If there was a 6 amp socket , most probably he would have put a 0.75 Sq mm Wire . All wires can handle a bit more current than what they are rated for BUT only for a limited amount of time . Electricians often use this and put a lower gauge wire and tell you not to worry . Capacity of the wire will vary slightly depending on the brand / type etc.
I had my wiring done last year . So refer attachment for Polycab wires , which is what mostly they all use .
Use the wire to 80% of its actual capacity . Hence go for one gauge higher .
For 16 amps I have put 2.5 sq mm wire (3 wires - Phase , Neutral and Earth) from the socket to junction box in the house . Don't Join wires to the existing wire (some electricians do that) . IT should go from the socket to your Junction box and get connected to MCB , Neutral Bar and Earthing . View attachment 85341
All said and done I am not sure which AVR will require this kind of power . When you get one , the AVR power cord will most probably have 0.75 Sq mm or 1.0 Sq mm printed on it . So in case you already have 1.5 Sq mm Wiring then don't spend on wiring . But do check first .
In case the same circuit is being used for other purposes , then put 2.5 and be safe . I have 3 amps and even if play all together they will not cross 6 amps . But I had this wiring done with future upgrades in gear in mind and also my stabilizer needs that 16 amp pin .
if its 1.5 for sure then nothing will happen , your wire should have a capacity of handling 14 amps so that's more than sufficient for Marantz Cinema 50 .Thank you for such a detailed inputs. The problem is that electricians don’t listen & do what they feel is correct. It’s extremely difficult to deal with them as they think themselves as our BOSS & insult us saying: “You don’t understand anything”. They are JERKS.
Anyway’z, someone on this forum uses Marantz Cinema 50. He can confirm us whether his Power cord mentions 0.75 Sq MM or 1.0 Sq MM?
But what I am trying to understand here is what WORSE can happen if I plug in the power cord of Marantz Cinema 50 into the 16 Amps socket which is connected to 1.5 MM electrical wires red & yellow (is what I noticed the colors of when electrician removed the front cover plate)?