After I start building Vacuum Tube based Amp and preamp, I didn’t build any SS amp except repairing few SS amps and preamps. But I am interested in building some good SS Amps like Jean Hiraga and Pass Lab design. Now I got a chance to build the famous Jean Higara Le Monstre 8 Watts Class A Amplifier. Long time ago I tried this circuit with some locally available components, but now I decided to use high quality components.
One of my friend wanted to build SS Class A Amplifier, we took Jean Hiraga “Le Monstre” and Pass Lab “Alpha J” circuits and discuss about it and decided to build Le Monstre 8W Amplifier. I placed order for PCB’s and Components, I decided to go for original circuit without any modification and same parts recommended by jean hiraga. I got them from some genuine sellers, hope they are good.
I have good heat sinks removed from a power supply units of a industry. Regarding power supply I decided to use 22000uf / 35V X 10 capacitors and I am looking for Keltron capacitors, but it is difficult to get here in chennai. If any one know the source to get Keltron caps pls share details.

One of my friend wanted to build SS Class A Amplifier, we took Jean Hiraga “Le Monstre” and Pass Lab “Alpha J” circuits and discuss about it and decided to build Le Monstre 8W Amplifier. I placed order for PCB’s and Components, I decided to go for original circuit without any modification and same parts recommended by jean hiraga. I got them from some genuine sellers, hope they are good.
I have good heat sinks removed from a power supply units of a industry. Regarding power supply I decided to use 22000uf / 35V X 10 capacitors and I am looking for Keltron capacitors, but it is difficult to get here in chennai. If any one know the source to get Keltron caps pls share details.