Jolida JD1501BRC fuse and Power issues.. Help Pls..

Quick Update:

I visited the Oceanic Sound, Pune yesterday and Mahendraji is very nice and accommodating.

Unfortunately I could not reproduce either of the problems at his shop though after turning the Amplifier ON & OFF ten times. Also, we cranked up the volume and after a point of loudness it was unbearable but the speaker protection circuit did not kick-in. Pretty spooky. I guess my speakers are much inefficient than the speakers we tested in the shop.

Despite of this, Mahendraji offered me another amplifier as replacement (may be to compensate my driving from Mumbai to Pune and give me some piece of mind)
Also, they have changed the fuses on all the amplifiers in their stock to better quality and higher rating. I currently have a different piece of JD1501BRC with 5Amp fuse which is working fine at home as well (No challenges what so ever) since this morning.
I highly recommend Oceanic Sound!

BTW, I made some pictures of the amplifier inside (to have a feel of the inside)

Inside of Jolida JD1501BRC
Glad to know everything turned out to be satisfactory.How does it sound as compared to your earlier tube /hybrid experiences?
Glad to know everything turned out to be satisfactory.How does it sound as compared to your earlier tube /hybrid experiences?
Yes, it is a big relief.
The SQ is very good. The amp is very clean sounding and seem to perform really well. Though it is still breaking in. I guess in next few weeks or so, its performance will be more forthcoming.
I only had Pathos Inpol2 which is a hybrid amplifier as well as Astin Trew.

Astin trew is not that good and Jolida walks over it with ease. However the Inpol2 is quite special. It is so unfair to compare Jolida with Inpol2. I would say the noise floor is about 95% of Inpol2, midrange is about 90%. I am saying these numbers based on what i remember when I had the Inpol2 few years back. It could be that I am in Honeymoon period with my amp. Overall for the asking price of Jolida, it is very much a bargain. This is all before any tube rolling which I am planning to do in March.
Hi satmumbai

Good things in life are never cheap. What matters is you are happy with the sound. Some simple tube rolling could voice it better to your taste. But before you do that, give the unit at least 100 hrs of run in.
Hi satmumbai

Good things in life are never cheap. What matters is you are happy with the sound. Some simple tube rolling could voice it better to your taste. But before you do that, give the unit at least 100 hrs of run in.

SQ is pretty good. Since I have changed the amplifier to a new one, I need to burn in this again :(
I am giving myself till end of March and then I will experiment with tube rolling..
Once I feel that it is done I will post my impressions on the SQ.
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