My !!
Your question is quite "open"
The speakers are popular
Im sure there are many users driving them.with different amplification many of them who are happy
So answers to your questions
Will.pretty much bring up all.the commercial brands in absence of a budget
In the popular range a denon or a marantz would be an option
Slightly higher you can probably look at a NAD or. A naim
AND if you would like to dive into tubes
Then a 30 w att kt88 would also suffice in a medium sized room
The better setups inhave heard have bookshelf speakers a minimum of 3 feet away from the wall ( irrespective of where the port is)
However in smaller houses I do know it's a bit difficult
But if you can do 3 feet at minimum it would be good ( 3 feet measured from the back of speaker )
If not practical you simply do what's practical for living
If you have an angular wall at the back
Then even better