Kef LS50 Wireless - my review of sorts

Marantz should work for brighter recordings which is usually the case with Bollywood and regional cinema music
If you are well versed with Marantz, then stick with it. If you want a different presentation which most also feel as a substantial jump from Marantz then look at Naim. No other CDP's are worth considering, except for Denon higher series which again you might like or not, so audition will be best way to go. BTW, are you planning to bring from abroad? If, yes then pls do demo all of the options for getting best understanding of the sonics of each. Which will go best with your speakers, ideally can only be answered in your room!
I am in USA now. May be will get good offer from local dealers. availability of NAIM is still scarse than marantz but worth a try.
If you are well versed with Marantz, then stick with it. If you want a different presentation which most also feel as a substantial jump from Marantz then look at Naim. No other CDP's are worth considering, except for Denon higher series which again you might like or not, so audition will be best way to go. BTW, are you planning to bring from abroad? If, yes then pls do demo all of the options for getting best understanding of the sonics of each. Which will go best with your speakers, ideally can only be answered in your room!
so it is NAIM Vs Marantz
I find Marantz brighter as it is, so do listen and decide.
Hmm... thats a deal breaker. But one saving grace is that chrutchfield and bestbuy magnolia gives return policy of 15 or so days. I will try the marantz hd-cd1 and Naim. Assuming SA8005 has no sonic supremacy over these.
Hmm... thats a deal breaker. But one saving grace is that chrutchfield and bestbuy magnolia gives return policy of 15 or so days. I will try the marantz hd-cd1 and Naim. Assuming SA8005 has no sonic supremacy over these.

Hi arivuchelvan...if you are considering a marantz, then there is the new ND8006, which is their digital hub with both cd player and streaming smarts inbuilt.
Hi arivuchelvan...if you are considering a marantz, then there is the new ND8006, which is their digital hub with both cd player and streaming smarts inbuilt.
From the price point i would prefer sa8005 over ND8006 considering i just need a CDP and assuming that extea price bring good sound too.. naivity?.. a demo will tell

From the price point i would prefer sa8005 over ND8006 considering i just need a CDP and assuming that extea price bring good sound too.. naivity?.. a demo will tell

God knows if the extra price outlay brings better sound quality or not. But it certainly fetches more flexibility in this case :D
It all needed proper placement of speakers. Toed In a bit to have proper triangle. Its a revelation. The brightness is some how blend in to musicality and it is sweet. The devil in diguise or boon behind the paradox is Uniq driver, I guess. Now some of my poor MP3 formats are playing sweet to my ear. Earlier my kid always complaints that the volume is high. The same songs she had enjoyed in other setups. Now I understand it was due to the brightness on the face caused this experience, as she enjoys with much higher volumes now (Raja songs trap me to increase the volume). as of now CDP and other enhancement plans are put on hold. :-)
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