KENWOOD Vintage Audio Gear

Anil kumar

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2006
:D I won this beautiful vintage Kenwood amp on eBay.
It sounds wonderful compared to my ONKYO amp. It was manufactured
in 1980 by Trio Kenwood, cosmeticall very well maintained without any ding
or scrstches. With 50 watt RMS it sounds great, very good bass & highs.
It has dual power supply with BIG twin power meters, phono section
provides 92dB s/n conventional with 5 millivolt input cartridge.
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Nice find! The unit sure looks like its in pristine condition. Got it off Ebay US and you had it shipped here to India?
Hi, yes... it sure looks good. The amp is in perfect shape except for a
small damage to the left upper corner, this must have happened during
shipping. I got this from eBay US through USPS.

Nice find! The unit sure looks like its in pristine condition. Got it off Ebay US and you had it shipped here to India?
Hi, yes... it sure looks good. The amp is in perfect shape except for a
small damage to the left upper corner, this must have happened during
shipping. I got this from eBay US through USPS.

I always wanted to own a vintage valve amp. Looks like I now need to hunt for one on ebay.

Anil, I am curious to know about the import custioms duty levied on this amp (or as a % of the cost of the amp) when imported into India.

Hi Jagat, you do get valve amps on eBay US, shipping could be a problem.
Valves may break during shipping. Mine was handled badly, but i am lucky
with only bent edge, may be dropped very hard on the ground. Look for a
seller who ships worldwide and always insure it, otherwise you will
never get your item. I paid 220 US$ including shipping and 35% customs here
in India.


I always wanted to own a vintage valve amp. Looks like I now need to hunt for one on ebay.

Anil, I am curious to know about the import custioms duty levied on this amp (or as a % of the cost of the amp) when imported into India.

Hi Anil. I'm assuming the unit needs only 110v power. So you use a step down transformer? Does it affect quality of sound delivery?

One more thing did you use paypal or a credit card to pay for the item in ebay? I've only transacted on Amazon. Would be interested to know how this paypal thing works.


Hi paj4x4, amp is 240 switchable, it's a europian version. you can operate
both 110 and 240 volts. I used Paypal to pay for the item. Sellers
accept only Paypal from international customers.
I bought a pioneer SA410 from a Austuralian seller, its a basic amp with
minimal controles, sounds exceptional for 20 watt RMS pc. Just wonderful to look at........


Hi Anil. I'm assuming the unit needs only 110v power. So you use a step down transformer? Does it affect quality of sound delivery?

One more thing did you use paypal or a credit card to pay for the item in ebay? I've only transacted on Amazon. Would be interested to know how this paypal thing works.


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Hi Anilkumar,

I am intrested to purchase vintage Kenwood products by e bay,

how it is possible to shipping in India?. please mention the import procedger.
Hi Rashmikant, lot of good Kenwood amps are on ebay.
Shipping to India takes about one month. Always INSURE your product.
It is offered by the seller at the time of invoicing the item.
Customs duty is 36%. When the item arrives, you will be informed by
customs office, you have to produce the photocopies
of the ebay invoice. When the item arrives at post office, u will be informed.
You have to pay d customs duty @ post office.


Hi Anilkumar,

I am intrested to purchase vintage Kenwood products by e bay,

how it is possible to shipping in India?. please mention the import procedger.
I love the Kenwood vintage audio amps. I have a CA -8004 which my Dad bought in 1974, which I maroed from him about 15 years ago. It's specs are pretty similar to yours and it served well until a couple of transistors blew. It remained out of action for about 3 years until I tracked down a chap in the US who repairs / restores only Kenwood vintage amps. He sent me the transistors via helpful brother in law and now the amp is working again. I will set it up as a parallel system with my equally antique Sony TC 161 cassette Deck and TT.
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