What do folks here mean when they say "laid back"? I am bit confused and would be real glad to be enlightened.
Is it:
1) sound stage well to the rear of the speakers? as opposed to the sound stage being forward?
2) low highs as opposed to shouty highs?
3) something that's not too resolving of details?
4) something else?
Please enlighten.
I've always used "laid-back" to mean the following:
Relaxed, warm sound with rolled-off highs, even at the cost of a bit of top-end detail. Also called sound that tends to be a bit 'dark'. Not at all 'shouty' or harsh or hard. The direct opposite of "bright".
"Laid-back" (as I use it, and as I understood it meant) has nothing to do with the sound stage or the style of presentation of the sound. It has only to do with the colour and tonality of the sound.