Actually, the thread was never started with any 'one' person in mind, including yourself and I am dissapointed that you have made this personal, by linking this thread with another unrelated, atleast in my mind, thread.
mmm So you are saying you did not create this thread, keeping the argument we all had in the other thread.......if you say are lying to your self.........
YES, that is exactly what I am saying and thank you for now calling me a liar. You, surely do like making it personal, don't you? Whatever I had to say, regarding the question raised in that thread, I stated there. If I had more to say, I would do so in that thread. Why in the world would I need to start a seperate thread, if my intentions were only, to as you put it, "argue" about something in that thread? The reason, why I started a seperate thread, is because 'forum etiquette' demands, that instead of crapping over someone else's thread, a new one should be started when the discussion is no longer specifically relevant to the orginal topic of the thread. I would, as a rule and out of habit, never post cross references to other threads and I would request, that you please do the same. Please post, all discussions and references, related to the 'other' thread, in that thread itself.
Anyway as I always say, just like audio, video is subjective as well and I respect that difference.....
Can't argue with that, my friend. :clapping:
At one point you yourself quoted...
Can't argue with that, my friend ....
that meant the subjectiveness and now you refute......anyway....
I apologize for trying to be polite and for trying to end the discussion amicabaly, ie. before it turned into a never ending argument. In any case, I was not actually conceding that 'video' is totally subjective, rather I was merely agreeing to, in the spirit of your conciliatory statement, "I respect that difference....

". In fact, it is others who further took on the debate with you in that thread, while I kept quite. It is only, when you continued to, present your 'views' as 'facts', and that too in this thread, that I 'refuted' what was, to begin with, incorrect and quite misguiding.
What ever technical jargon you provide to prove or confuse, fact is
Whatever you view on a display...depends on various factors apart from just visual acuity......There can be a huge variation in color gamut, which a person can persive according to his/her liking of the color itself. The tint can be adjusted for the same. Some people might like matt finish, some may enjoy glossey image. Some would not enjoy the high contrast, while some would prefer to have the high gamma
The fact that both A/V can be measured with hardware does not mean you can quantify indivisual preference...........evrything that is pertaining to the characteristic of an individual is it Sound, Vision, Feel, Smell or Tast......... irrespective of how accurately we can measure it technically.[/I]
I suppose, the whole purpose of this forum and reviews by experts, is thus moot. The home page of this forum should simply state, "Everything is subjective and thus restricted to personal tastes, likes and dislikes. Thus, everybody please, just go audition everything yourself. Forum closed for discussion. Since, what others, including experts and engineers have to say is of no importance and all that matters is what one thinks, looks or sounds good".
Thank you for this enlightening thought and in the same spirit, I withdraw myself from any further discussion with you on the matter.
Take care.