viewing SD is lot more fun on plasma ( specifically panny) than any lcd ..
I dare say,yes,the story of plasma is almost over.. (Infact I was one of the supporters of Plasma in the battle).LCDs are here to stay,moreover,dont have many disadvantages of plasma.And ,the days of LCDs having a lower picture quality too are over.So,with a budget of yours -blindly go for LCD.So, I would recommend you a slightly different option.Go for a LG LCD.42LD650 has superb picture quality and is technology ready atleast for 1.5-2 years.Though many sellers quote a price of 65k,there may be space for bargain. And, yes if you are not a big videophile ,go for a bit lower specification ones like LG 42 LD460 (around 52k) or if u act fast ezoneonline has 42 LG 80FR for 45k (same specs as 460 but a 2009 model). With these,you are left with some money and you can go for a HT say philips 5530 (around 17k).
Hope my old plasma pals dont attack me![]()
LCD is the market leader not just in india,but the entire world.Plasma had a head start in big screen flat panel tvs,but they slowly started loosing market share to lcd,despite being way cheaper ,that says something.In in India you may find LCD is capturing better market than plasma just because of marketing gimmick and lack of enthusiasm in the marketing aspect of plasma manufacturer mostly to say about the dedicated plasma manufacturer Panasonic. They makes excellent and reliable plasma televisions but they fails to reach every indian home because of lack of distribution system or marketing strategy than Samsung or LG.
Hi friends. I have read many reviews on this site before I signed up recently. We are looking for a 40" LCD or 42" Plasma and the budget is Rs. 60k. Our living room size is 20 ft x11 ft.. and viewing distance is above 6 ft. as we are with 21 now. Gone through Websites of Panasonic, Samsung and Sony as I'm interested in going for one of them. We had a recent visit to one of the retail outlets here in Hyderabad. We couldnt make any decision as all of them looked alike as they played a Sony Demo Video on all of them. We noticed lack of contrast on Samsung 5 series and Sony 2010 LCDs when viewed from sides compared to Plasmas, although the LCDs looked brighter. We asked the salesman to play the cable TV channels. He then connected them to Tata Sky.....! All of them washed out!!! The salesman said that the Plasmas are outdated and the blackness dominates the panel obstructing colours and I'm bothered about burnout pixels in Plasmas. We use normal cable tv service and would go for a DTH Setup box for our new one. Other than that, we have a DVD Player with USB support and Home Theatre System. So, I narrowed my search to Panasonic 42" Neo PDP Plasma Panel/ Samsung 6 Series LCD LA40C630/ Sony NX500 LCD (didn't compare prices). Friends, plz.... help me out...........with prices too! Thank you in advance.
2. Full HD (High Res Videos - sourced from Blu Ray players, WD TV, PS3, etc.) look stunning when you look at them on an LCD, but my eyes (again a personal opinion not generalized) tends to feel tired seeing over bright content and I always ask my friends to lower the brightness.
This thread is not a sticky. Why did you get the idea it was?That was quick :thumbsup:
Finally made it sticky. Now bashing continues in a single hot thread.
thanks MOD/Admin for replying my PM![]()