LCD vs Plasma - Fact vs Myth

Plasma or LCD

Hi friends. I have read many reviews on this site before I signed up recently. We are looking for a 40" LCD or 42" Plasma and the budget is Rs. 60k. Our living room size is 20 ft x11 ft.. and viewing distance is above 6 ft. as we are with 21 now. Gone through Websites of Panasonic, Samsung and Sony as I'm interested in going for one of them. We had a recent visit to one of the retail outlets here in Hyderabad. We couldnt make any decision as all of them looked alike as they played a Sony Demo Video on all of them. We noticed lack of contrast on Samsung 5 series and Sony 2010 LCDs when viewed from sides compared to Plasmas, although the LCDs looked brighter. We asked the salesman to play the cable TV channels. He then connected them to Tata Sky.....! All of them washed out!!! The salesman said that the Plasmas are outdated and the blackness dominates the panel obstructing colours and I'm bothered about burnout pixels in Plasmas. We use normal cable tv service and would go for a DTH Setup box for our new one. Other than that, we have a DVD Player with USB support and Home Theatre System. So, I narrowed my search to Panasonic 42" Neo PDP Plasma Panel/ Samsung 6 Series LCD LA40C630/ Sony NX500 LCD (didn't compare prices). Friends, plz.... help me out...........with prices too! Thank you in advance.
Re: Plasma or LCD

I dare say,yes,the story of plasma is almost over.. (Infact I was one of the supporters of Plasma in the battle).LCDs are here to stay,moreover,dont have many disadvantages of plasma.And ,the days of LCDs having a lower picture quality too are over.So,with a budget of yours -blindly go for LCD.So, I would recommend you a slightly different option.Go for a LG LCD.42LD650 has superb picture quality and is technology ready atleast for 1.5-2 years.Though many sellers quote a price of 65k,there may be space for bargain. And, yes if you are not a big videophile ,go for a bit lower specification ones like LG 42 LD460 (around 52k) or if u act fast ezoneonline has 42 LG 80FR for 45k (same specs as 460 but a 2009 model). With these,you are left with some money and you can go for a HT say philips 5530 (around 17k).

Hope my old plasma pals dont attack me :)
Re: Plasma or LCD

buddy i have a FULL HD LCD

and i regret not having a plasma.. the time bought my lcd full hd plasma's werent available and the one which were there were expensive..

i have a 42 in Lg LH60YR ( jazz theatre) and only option i had was PQ70.

however i would bet for plasma any day.... i wudnt mind a 720p as well as you stated that viewing distance is more than 6 feet.

i would rather suggest you go for a panasonic 42in plasma and rest amount for your media player and HT..

viewing SD is lot more fun on plasma ( specifically panny) than any lcd ..
Re: Plasma or LCD

Even I would say, go for plasma. I bought Panasonic X20 for 37.5K last month. The SD quality is good and colors are warm and very much natural to eyes. Black levels are awesome. V20 is FHD plasma but its way expensive. For a viewing distance of more than 8ft, there is not much of a difference between HD and FHD.
Re: Plasma or LCD

in your budget i would suggest LG IPS LCD Panel full hd 42" jazz one. Sony is no VFM and i personally don't prefer plasmas. Do a little bit more research and then decide.
Re: Plasma or LCD

Hi, bought a P42X20D plasma from panasonic only yesterday for 38k. Awesome pictures. Before that I was having a Sony Bravia 32 inch lcd of V series. The plasma tv is way better with a viewing distance of about 7 to 8 feet.
Re: Plasma or LCD

I dare say,yes,the story of plasma is almost over.. (Infact I was one of the supporters of Plasma in the battle).LCDs are here to stay,moreover,dont have many disadvantages of plasma.And ,the days of LCDs having a lower picture quality too are over.So,with a budget of yours -blindly go for LCD.So, I would recommend you a slightly different option.Go for a LG LCD.42LD650 has superb picture quality and is technology ready atleast for 1.5-2 years.Though many sellers quote a price of 65k,there may be space for bargain. And, yes if you are not a big videophile ,go for a bit lower specification ones like LG 42 LD460 (around 52k) or if u act fast ezoneonline has 42 LG 80FR for 45k (same specs as 460 but a 2009 model). With these,you are left with some money and you can go for a HT say philips 5530 (around 17k).

Hope my old plasma pals dont attack me :)

Dude, by any means plasma is not over. Rather LCD is always in fight with plasma to compete the advantage of plasma picture quality. They are putting newer and newer technology to match the quality of plasma. Plasma do exist very well and its long way to go.

I personally own Panasonic X20 plasma and I am extremely pleased with my purchase after I have seen the same size LCDs in other houses.

In in India you may find LCD is capturing better market than plasma just because of marketing gimmick and lack of enthusiasm in the marketing aspect of plasma manufacturer mostly to say about the dedicated plasma manufacturer Panasonic. They makes excellent and reliable plasma televisions but they fails to reach every indian home because of lack of distribution system or marketing strategy than Samsung or LG.

And for your information, Panasonic VT25 plasma has been chosen the best HD TV of 2010 keeping behind sony, samsung and lg and that is also in 3D and 2D aspect.
Re: Plasma or LCD

In in India you may find LCD is capturing better market than plasma just because of marketing gimmick and lack of enthusiasm in the marketing aspect of plasma manufacturer mostly to say about the dedicated plasma manufacturer Panasonic. They makes excellent and reliable plasma televisions but they fails to reach every indian home because of lack of distribution system or marketing strategy than Samsung or LG.
LCD is the market leader not just in india,but the entire world.Plasma had a head start in big screen flat panel tvs,but they slowly started loosing market share to lcd,despite being way cheaper ,that says something.
Even in the 50"+ size segment lcds outsell plasmas,despite lcds costing 2x to 3x more.

Please don't tell me plasma makers aren't aggressive to promote plasmas,panasonic marketing is aggressive even in india.yet their sales are no where near lcds,despite being cheaper.

Panasonic themself are slowly pouring more resources into lcd,they just bought majority of the stake in IPS alpha company,they have plans to or already started making their own panels of sizes above 37".

Samsung the worlds no 1 interms of lcd market share,will soon launch bluephase lcd tech similar to Sharp Uv2A which they claim will have more then 500% to 1000% faster response time which is in micro seconds vs milli seconds of current lcd.They also promise deeper blacks and better viewing angles.

So thats a lot of money being invested into the 10g facilty.They also have to invest in next gen tech such as OLED.So you may well see them being the first to drop the sales of plasma
Re: Plasma or LCD

Hi friends. I have read many reviews on this site before I signed up recently. We are looking for a 40" LCD or 42" Plasma and the budget is Rs. 60k. Our living room size is 20 ft x11 ft.. and viewing distance is above 6 ft. as we are with 21 now. Gone through Websites of Panasonic, Samsung and Sony as I'm interested in going for one of them. We had a recent visit to one of the retail outlets here in Hyderabad. We couldnt make any decision as all of them looked alike as they played a Sony Demo Video on all of them. We noticed lack of contrast on Samsung 5 series and Sony 2010 LCDs when viewed from sides compared to Plasmas, although the LCDs looked brighter. We asked the salesman to play the cable TV channels. He then connected them to Tata Sky.....! All of them washed out!!! The salesman said that the Plasmas are outdated and the blackness dominates the panel obstructing colours and I'm bothered about burnout pixels in Plasmas. We use normal cable tv service and would go for a DTH Setup box for our new one. Other than that, we have a DVD Player with USB support and Home Theatre System. So, I narrowed my search to Panasonic 42" Neo PDP Plasma Panel/ Samsung 6 Series LCD LA40C630/ Sony NX500 LCD (didn't compare prices). Friends, plz.... help me out...........with prices too! Thank you in advance.

You have already seen them together.

And try not to bother with the arguments of which sells more, there are probably more factors than just what looks better which are involved in sales.

And did I suggest to go with plasma?;)
Re: Plasma or LCD

Plasmas are in every aspect better than LCDs and their so called faults are now almost non-existent. although they do need some care in initial period.
you can even think of getting a 50" Plasma, wont cost you more than 60k.

Today I booked a 50" LG plasma PJ560 myself and I did so after researching a lot about pros and cons of LCDs and Plasmas and trust me Plasmas are really what everyobne should be buying but isnt.
Re: Plasma or LCD

Here we go again. Same old arguments and spreading of biased opinions. Using sales as an argument to prove what is best, is silly at the very least. The consumer electronics industry has a long standing history of some of the best technologies losing out in sales to the lesser technology. By the way, this statement is no way an acknowledgement that Plasmas are losing market share "worldwide". As a matter of fact if you do your research right, you will see that Plasmas have actually gained market share in the last couple of years and in the 50" plus segment they still command a healthy lead.
@Girish P
Check out the following thread -- > LCD vs Plasma - Fact vs Myth.

As for a suggestion within your budget, if you can stretch your budget to around Rs 68,000/- I would recommend the Samsung PS50C550 (Full HD 50" Plasma TV). Otherwise I would recommend you buy the Panasonic 42V20D for around Rs 60,000 (FUll HD 42" TV).
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Re: Plasma or LCD

Just my 2 cents (and these have been shared by many of our esteemed forum friends here already)

1. I am a Plasma owner and very happy with the content I watch on it (Tata Sky+ 80%, DVD - 5%, Hi Res Video 10%, Games 5%). One of my good friends has a Sony LCD (picked last year) and another one LG Jazz LCD. Personally I do not enjoy the over bright content on LCD and find the additional sharpness, plasticky and blocky (the upscalers do kick in but still the edges in Full HD TVs seem to fail a bit on smoothening the edges) a bit irritant. (But this is strictly personal opinion). The feared Image Retention has never bothered me.
2. Full HD (High Res Videos - sourced from Blu Ray players, WD TV, PS3, etc.) look stunning when you look at them on an LCD, but my eyes (again a personal opinion not generalized) tends to feel tired seeing over bright content and I always ask my friends to lower the brightness.

So depending on content you watch, size of your wallet and your choice of size (One may not be interested in 50 inch Plasma but may want just a 40 inch LCD at the budget of 60K) one needs to decide.

Don't think that technology is ever FUTURE PROOF. If a technology created becomes future proof we will live with our current TVs for a decade or so, reflecting a loyalty shown to our CRTs - but manufacturers are in no mood to do that so :D (be ready to replace your recent buy in max 5-6 years). Remember the darling old Tring Tring landline phone set lasting more than 10-12 years and now we change our mobile phones almost every 2 years ;)

Hope you pick the TV that fits your need and celebrate watching it this Diwali :clapping:
Re: Plasma or LCD

2. Full HD (High Res Videos - sourced from Blu Ray players, WD TV, PS3, etc.) look stunning when you look at them on an LCD, but my eyes (again a personal opinion not generalized) tends to feel tired seeing over bright content and I always ask my friends to lower the brightness.

Missed adding that the high res content looks no less stunning (minus the extended brightness factor) on my Plasma.
its moderator / administrator's fault IMP thread like this should have been made sticky :indifferent14:
That was quick :thumbsup:

Finally made it sticky. Now bashing continues in a single hot thread. :D

thanks MOD/Admin for replying my PM :)
That was a good effort to make this thread sticky.

And to make a comment on LCD vs. Plasma:
If you have done some homework on finding which TV you should be buying, and if you still could not decide, just buy an LCD TV.
Check out our special offers on Stereo Package & Bundles for all budget types.