led tv dilemma after march 2013


New Member
Mar 24, 2013
UA40ES5600R 40 inch Full HD LED TV - OVERVIEWi was searching for a good 40/46 inch full hd non 3d led tv(preferably with smart and internet features). After my long research i made up my mind on samsung ua46es5600 tv. Which seemed to me as pretty good tv on all aspects. it looked cool(very thin), descent performance and all that smart tv stuff. but now in this new financial year of 2013 when i went to the dealer to buy this tv....they said to me that this model has been discontinued from this financial year!!! i was wondering if that is true or he just lied to me?? or if its true can anyone help me find a good tv with all those features the ua46es5600 had ?? Or any new tv from samsung to replace that model...plz help me
2013 models will replace the current 2012 models........eventually!!! would make sense to buy a new 2013 tv. Check with Samsung when the new models will hit the market, would be wise to wait and watch.
What the dealer told you is the truth. There is no reason for him to lie as this opportunity would allow him to get rid of the old stock. Every year, around the April-May-June quarter, not just Samsung but for almost all manufacturers, intorduce new TV models.
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