LG Plasma owners please read


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Like fellow forum members, I was impressed with Plasma level and purchased PJ560 42 Lg plasma 2 yrs back

Two days back while watching Icc cricket suddenly the video went off and I could hear only audio.

Then I tried all Hdmi inputs and the problem persisted. Really worried started my search on online forums.

To my big surprise this is quite common problem with LG Plasma TVs, over time it will show either horizontal lines or vertical lines or no picture.

Every time when this happens one needs to replace y or z boards or sometimes panel itself.

Nevertheless I called up Lg service and he turned up promptly and inspected the Tv.

Finally gave me the news that Y board has gone kaput and as expected it need to be replaced for 3000
Now the shocking story, he still needs to inspect panel and he can only check it when working board is there. Most probably it needs replacement panel as well

LG Plasma Flat Panel 42PC3D - No picture just sound - CNET Home audio & video Forums
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - EASY HOW TO FIX LG plasma TV

So my suggestion STAY AWAY from Lg plasma and I am seriously considering consumer court option.
One cannot sell product in the market with severe reliability issues

You should have taken the AMC before reporting the complaint to LG. Since yours is a 2-yr-old model. You could have got it repaired under AMC. It will be a loss for you though, if they only have to replace the rs. 3000 panel, since AMC will come upto 4000.
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almondnine, yes, taking amc as you suggested would have been beneficial.
However as venk said this kind of reliability issues are just not acceptable. The TV is only 2 years old!
The 1yr warranty is over now, so why will LG repair/replace it for free? i dont think you will gain anything by going to consumer court other than losing your time and money.
The energy feature on the LG plasma has a mode that mimics the problem the OP mentioned. In the maximum energy saving mode, the picture goes blank and one hears only the sound. Usually what I do when an LG product starts misbehaving is once the LG technician comes over, I get AMC and say the original complaint has been resolved. After a few weeks I register a new complaint under AMC.
My heart skips a beat, whenever I come across such outrages! And, I too have opted for a Plasma now, though of Panasonic with a 3 year warranty on panel. But looking at Panasonic's poor after-sales, the mind would never remain at peace!
Circuit Boards have to be manufactured under very high tolerance and precision levels in order to have a long trouble-free life. Usually the optimum tolerance is +/- 0.00 upto +/- 0.10 but PCB manufacturers can sometimes pass off +/-0.20 units as fit for use just so that they save a few bucks. Usually true-blue Japanese companies are the only ones that adhere to strict tolerances on PCB's either used on electronics or even in the latest automobiles.

My suggestion is that since LG gives additional AMC upto 5 years, just make use of it. Else get the best Japanese product money can buy.
Circuit Boards have to be manufactured under very high tolerance and precision levels in order to have a long trouble-free life. Usually the optimum tolerance is +/- 0.00 upto +/- 0.10 but PCB manufacturers can sometimes pass off +/-0.20 units as fit for use just so that they save a few bucks. Usually true-blue Japanese companies are the only ones that adhere to strict tolerances on PCB's either used on electronics or even in the latest automobiles.

My suggestion is that since LG gives additional AMC upto 5 years, just make use of it. Else get the best Japanese product money can buy.

Dont make it a japanese vs korean vs chinese thing, the great japanese company sony buys LCD panels from Koreans and chinese. Electronics can fail at any time be it from any company of any country, race,religion :cool:
From my work on corrosion abatement in Electronics, what I have concluded is, it is miniaturization which is the single most reason of failures in a relatively clean, devoid of gas phase contaminants.

Our climate is directly to blame for this. High humidity (during monsoons) coupled with the high dust loading in the ambient environment creates the havoc. Any power circuit would have some potential / charge, which would attract the opposite charged dust particles to it. As long as the dust remains moisture free, there are no operational issues. But, the moment the dust (usually hygroscopic) starts absorbing the ambient moisture, there starts the short-circuiting between two or more closely placed circuit lines ... with resulting component and software logic failures.

We cannot control moisture in air ... period. Possible, only with 24 x 7 air-conditioning, which is adhered to in Industry ... never possible at home. So, the only way possible is to keep the components dust-free to the maximum possible. IT CAN BE DONE ... but a bit of hassles involved. Some electronic service guy has to be called in once a year to vacuum clean the insides of the equipment. Obviously, he has to open up the equipment and do the needful.

Thats the main reason as to why our older TVs had so few failure rates. The circuits were well spaced out and 'bigger', more robust components were used, even though they had lesser tolerances and 'resolutions' during that era. All this is happening due to price based competition nowadays. Miniaturization assists this. Lesser material costs in volume production is easily achievable this way. What 'most' manufacturers forget is the same unit cannot be a runaway success in 'all' climatic conditions.
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But, the moment the dust (usually hygroscopic) starts absorbing the ambient moisture, there starts the short-circuiting between two or more closely placed circuit lines ... with resulting component and software logic failures.
This problem was there with older PCB design..but now they mount all components on one side of PCB and all closed circuit connection lines are separated well and given a coating of material which prevents moisture to short circuit components.
Most of the time component failed due to poor current and voltage handling...if there is a small surge in current/voltage is there enough circuitry on board to by-pass the excess voltage..as most of the components are digital if there is mismatch in current from output gate to input gate be any greater than what it can handle it may result malfunctioning and this will affect subsequent stages as well.

though of Panasonic with a 3 year warranty on panel
As far as I know Panasonic gives 2 years warranty for panel only.
Coatings are given to counter gas phase contaminants only ... rest have been proven to be marketing gimmicks of manufacturers. Even in cases of gas contamination, levels upto G2-Mild has been catered to successfully ... nothing beyond!

Dust layers so formed just keep on increasing its dimensions on further accumulation, obviously assisted with the further 'sticky' nature of absorbed moisture. Water vapour when absorbed ... partly adsorbed, give off latent heat and convert to water (liquid water). It is 'this' water (oblivious to naked eye, though) which creates the maximum outrages. 'This' water, if mixes with other gaseous contaminants, if present, acts more like an 'accelerator' to disaster. ;)

Detailed study on this subject over the years have revealed ...

1. In Industry (relatively clean ones only), Max damage to instrumentation happen at nights. The operators feel cold at night, so switch off AC. This switch-off increases RH levels inside.

2. At home, the 'actual' damage happens during periods when the appliance is switched off or at nights when the unit is not working. While running, there is internal heat generated by it, which vapourizes whatever water that has accumulated.

Electronic failures of this sort happen over a period, never immediate. Only the failures related to voltage/current have more chances to happen in a blink!
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