LGLM660T or Samsung 40ES6800


New Member
Aug 27, 2008
I plan to buy either of the above two sets from Europe and carry it back to India. The prices are same and thus I am confused which one to go for.

I have heard that LG has excellent 3D and good 2D while the Samsung has Excellent 2D but problems with Crosstalk etc when viewing 3D.

Not possible to go for Plasmas as the weight is high and I would want to keep the weight below 24kgs.

Help advice greatly appreciated !

Plan to close the deal asap so that I can start using the TV for1-2 months before I pass it through the customs. Maybe this way I can pass it as a Used TV and lay lesser Custom Duty than Normal !
LG is launching the LM series on May 12th in India. You could buy it here instead of buying it in Europe and paying customs (unless you expect to save a huge amount). You will be able to get local warranty and will not have to deal with problems associated with electronic items brought abroad.

Also if you havent already seen/participated in this thread, then you should.
LG is launching the LM series on May 12th in India. You could buy it here instead of buying it in Europe and paying customs (unless you expect to save a huge amount). You will be able to get local warranty and will not have to deal with problems associated with electronic items brought abroad.

Also if you havent already seen/participated in this thread, then you should.

Hi , Yes I have gone through the thread. Well the price difference is a lot sometimes for some models ( it is 1/2 as cheap) . I have spoken to the airlines and they needed to be intimated in advance but they are fine to carry it .

With the price difference I am willing to take a risk. I also intend to use it for 2-3 months here as I am sure problems if any with the TV will show in these 2-3 months itself. If not my bad luck.

All in all even if I pay customs it should turn out to be a cheap deal for me.
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