Line magnetic LM 501IA Vs Cayin A-100T mk2


New Member
Oct 18, 2018
Samalka New Delhi
Hi ! Friends
I have both Line magnetic LM501I A and Cayins .I am using floor standing speakers as well electrostatic speaker to play both.The low frequency is good with cayin while mid and high part is good with linemagnetic with Magnapen electrostatic speaker.Overall sound is good with Cayin.It is difficult to decide the right combination when I play with electrostatic speaker.I like to keep only one amplifier with my Electrostatic speaker.Can anyone suggest which combination is good for me?
Personally the question I ask myself in this situation is "which one involves me in the music I listen the most to more" and choose that.

If the answer is that both are equal , keep the cheaper one.
Can anyone suggest which combination is good for me?
No one can answer that for you! And even if they attempt to do, don't listen to them. You have both the amplifiers. Keep them for some time to listen to them both extensively and then decide YOURSELF.
Overall sound is good with Cayin.
I think you just answered your own question. :p
Hi ! Friends
I have both Line magnetic LM501I A and Cayins .I am using floor standing speakers as well electrostatic speaker to play both.The low frequency is good with cayin while mid and high part is good with linemagnetic with Magnapen electrostatic speaker.Overall sound is good with Cayin.It is difficult to decide the right combination when I play with electrostatic speaker.I like to keep only one amplifier with my Electrostatic speaker.Can anyone suggest which combination is good for me?

2 possible options:
- Try some NOS preamp tubes in both amps. Perhaps, one of them will clearly outperform the other and give you the best of both worlds.
- Sell both and get a new model Cayin, since you seem to like their sonic signature. Some quick thoughts on their lineup in the below video:

The one with more power..
I think line magnetic has more power but it doesn't sound like tube amp.

Personally the question I ask myself in this situation is "which one involves me in the music I listen the most to more" and choose that.

If the answer is that both are equal , keep the cheaper one.
Very difficult to decide.But finally I decided to sell my Line magnetic because I have options to upgrade my Sonic frontier by kt 120 if needed.

2 possible options:
- Try some NOS preamp tubes in both amps. Perhaps, one of them will clearly outperform the other and give you the best of both worlds.
- Sell both and get a new model Cayin, since you seem to like their sonic signature. Some quick thoughts on their lineup in the below video:

I like your Suggestion. I have changed the tubes of pre stage and found much difference than earlier.Now I am trying to upgrade my sonic frontier power also and then decide which one I should continue.
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