Listening session of Ravindra Desai's Audio equipments in Pune

Good to see some momentum building up for this.
As usual, can I request one of you guys to take pictures to share on here for the rest of us?

I'm sure it will be a good meeting whenever and wherever it happens.



Its happening on Sat, June 30, the day after tomorrow!
This time I'll make sure that I carry my camera too.



What a day it was, yesterday.
From minute 1, it was audio.....nothing else!!

The session started with a demo of my surround sound system.
We saw a couple of movie clips and I went into the details of what went into the making of the system, what real world problems we face and how I attempted to solve it. This happened in the club house.

Since the acoustics inside was not good, we shifted our gear to pool side, outside.

It was different flavors of stereo, tracks, buffers, amps, speaker systems.... thereafter, along the pool side.
There was SS buffer, Tube buffer, DIY amps, DIY TL speakers B&W speakers, CD players, Bluetooth source, WiFI source and of course, my system.

Nishant had some delicious lunch ordered for us and so we broke for lunch.
Home made Dhokla also added to the flavor.

After lunch we headed back to the pool side.
As the 2.0philes were giving each combination a critical listen, I was interrupting them to understand their thoughts.
To me, it was important. I was amazed at the details each one was going into.
The sound signature of each combination was different. Not right or wrong, just different.
The songs shifted from one genre to another with 'Papa Kehte Hein' becoming the benchmark track.

In the end, I wired up my 2.1 system in stereo mode this time with my newly built 12" sealed SW.

I had to head back to Kolhapur and the others wanted to not miss any of the Argentina match so we packed up and promised to do it again.

Attached are some snaps that I managed to take forcing myself away from audio.

I had a great time
Thanks to all those who made it such a special occasion and Nishant for initiating and hosting it and also arranging all the details that made the event a success.




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those were the days..
The wind in my hair..
The sun in my glare..

The bullets kept thumping on..
We kept riding on..

Over the mountains and into the valleys..
Above the clouds...higher than the rainbow..
Onward we rode..

Not a care for the purists..
Or so we thought..

Those was a joy.. was a toy..

Had been expecting impressions from more of the group
I agree, waiting for a detailed review of the listening session. It would help both the designer and prospective buyers.

We are planning a similar session in Bangalore hence any pointers are also welcome regarding setting up the venue.
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