Looking for a 55" TV (preferably Samsung) for under 70k


New Member
Oct 25, 2022
I wanted a new tv for the spare room where there is no cable connection. My father often uses it to watch the news and switching between youtube streams is annoying. Samsung has the TV plus app which is the reason I am leaning towards the Samsung..
Does any other tv have anything similar? Or are there any 3rd party apps that have all Free to Air channels in one place?

If not, what would the best tv option be?
I was looking at the 55CU8570 - https://www.amazon.in/Samsung-inches-Crystal-iSmart-UA65CUE60AKLXL/dp/B0BZPWHRK3
But amazon had a new listing for a QLED 55" - QA55QE1CAKLXL - https://www.samsung.com/in/tvs/qled-tv/qe1c-55-inch-qled-4k-smart-tv-qa55qe1caklxl/

Its the same price..
From the listing it looks like its a series 6 QLED tv.. Not sure how its different from the Q60C..

Any ideals? Was leaning towards the QLED... but there is absolutely no info about it anywhere.

Requirements are very basic SD TV/ Sports watching with occasional web series/ movies streaming..
There is a G2 Oled in the living room which will for the better viewing experience .. This just needs to be decent and not terrible. coming from an old 40" FHD Sony which had pretty decent colors till it decided to stop working.
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