Neat find. Cabinets seem to be in a very good condition. These cabinets used to come with the Walnut veneer finish too. I prefer the black cabinets more.
Pretty neat little speaker stands as well. Did they come along with the speakers?
The room i have is very small. I havent raised their height but as recommended by others the best height is when the tweeters are level with the ears while sitting. However since the room is small it is not required.
its a coincidence. yesterday i finished the nelson pass crossover.but for tweeter network i stick with paul mod from lancing form. its nothing but the oreginal tweeter section from n333 network.i dint kept the parallel resister. will do in couple of days. for pots i used some vintage yamaha pots from ns1000m crossover.all the set up completed. jaw was on the floor when i first test the speakers. unbelievable sound. amazing dynamics.cabinet need to build. will start in couple of days. my trusty carpenter on visit to india and he will return after 20 days. will update complete build and process once everything completes.
i made crossover in two sections, one for bass and one board for mid and high.all are clarity caps and inductors are heavy 16awg air core inductors of solen make.
this was done for biamping prupose.[/img]'][/img]'][/img]'][/img]'][/img]']
thanks for asking,
i purchased krell monoblocks to run the jbl l 300s.
they are nothing short of amazing.up to last six months everything is in oman with me.just two months back i shifted everything including my households to india.
they are still in movers packing in india.
not thinking to sell. will update if any chances.